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Brad and Lisa

Bradley Reay Rimmert and Lisa Marie King

November 8, 2000: We started going out.
December 28, 2002: We got engaged.

May 16, 2003: Brad's coming home for two weeks tomorrow. He's on his way right now, yay! We're going to visit the Botanical Gardens. I looked at their web site (, and they have a place called The Japanese Garden that's really pretty. We're keeping that in mind as a possible wedding location. Another option is a place called Bilbrey Farms in Edwardsville. It's pretty nice too; I've been there a few times. (If you want to check it out, go to Brad and I are thinking about a May 2005 wedding. He wants August 2004, but that's too soon for me. I want to be out of college. Anyway, I want our wedding colors to be blue, green, and yellow. Brad said he wants to wear the same kind of tuxedo he wore to senior prom. Its black and blue. That's all I know right now.

May 22, 2003: Yesterday Brad and I went to the Botanical Gardens to check it out. It was pretty, but I'm not sure it's 1500-dollars-good. Then we went to Bilbrey Farms, and Mr. Bilbrey showed us around and let us look at pictures from other weddings. I like it. So does Brad. So now we have a location. You'd think we'd pick a date first (right, mom?). But my brother showed me a calendar of May 2005, and it begins on a sunday. And my graduation (assuming I graduate on time) will be on the seventh. So the three Saturdays to choose from are the 14th, 21st, and the 28th. Brad wants the 28th, but he doesn't have a reason. I want the 21st, but neither do I. Sooo, it'll probably be one of those. I need ideas for where the reception should be. Help.

Click me for a pic-a-ture of the probable wedding location!
Click me to see the pretty rings Lisa found!