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Charm City The City of No Return

About Charm

Hello, and welcome to the city of Charm. It is a privilige to have you join us here, and we are grateful you were able to make it unschathed. Charm City takes pride in its youths, which defend the city borders. That stuff you came through upon entering, yea, you know what I'm talkin about. It's called "The mist." You might wanna watch out how often you go in the mist. It can prove to be fatal, if you come across one of the creatures that reside in it. Well, anyway... let me introduce myself, the names Feelix Mazon. I am one of the combatants in the city. Well, I would fill you in on the whole...scenerio, but I'll leave that to the chronicle. (Which I should have put up pretty soon) Guess I should be going, James needs me, no rest for the wreckless.

Darmas House

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