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Welcome to magic turkeys how are you my intellectual friend

how many feet did zob turkey have


Mad on the brain

Hello you strange people. Please have fun on my web page, the only problem is that there is nowt on it, but someday, i may be bothered to add a picture of a fruitcake, but only if you are lucky. have a nice life,
Mr. Duck Duck

P.S. i am really a girl and i go to the same school as the fishcake called cassie. well you have been very lucky haven't you! unfortunatley i cannot draw fruitcakes, however i can draw several slightly strange and very deranged things which are on a link from this page. there is a very strange fishcake that has her own webpage with a link to mine on it that has helped a lot with the web page, so i would like to say a big thatnk you to her on behalf of all of the magic turkeys in the world, and i hope that all of you people out there appreciate what she is doing for your turkeys. i do not own any company mentioned on this page, so don't sew me, and i won't sew you!