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Welcome to Canasta Lovers!
Please join us for lots of fun tourneys and great people!

Please take time to check out the tourney page.

There are three polls below.
Please only vote once on each.
(And yes, we can see if you vote multiple times!)

Check out the tourney calendar!
Lots of fun tourneys scheduled.

Suggestion, Question or Comment? Email us!

Singles Tourneys
Jump number:
Doubles Tourneys
(you must have exact team name)
New team name:
Team Password:
Player name:
Your password:

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URL or Email


Need to talk to an Admin?
Click a smiley to send a message!


Need to talk to a TD?
Click a smiley to send a message!


TOC Winners
January --
February --
March --
April --
July --
August --
September --
October --
November --
December --

What should happen when a player disqualifies? PLEASE ONLY VOTE ONCE.

What is your favorite game rule?

Who is your favorite TD?

Canasta Lovers League Rules

1. The staff of Canasta Lovers works very hard to see to it that our games are fun for everyone. They do this many times without even a thank you. Please show them the respect that they deserve. Anyone harassing or disrespecting the staff, causing disruptions that hold up tournies, or doing anything that keeps the td's from carrying out their responsibilities will result in 3 in the penalty box. Continuous harassment could result in removal and banning from the league. Spamming/Scrolling the lobby during pairings IS considered harassment.

2. We expect our members to refrain from using excessive profanity in the lobby. We understand that we are all adults and have the right to say whatever we want, however, profanity is offensive to some and we want this league to be fun for everyone. Anyone using excessive profanity will be warned the 1st time, then if it continues, the player will be boxed for 3 days. We are not saying that no profanity is allowed, we know we all like to joke around about things. Please remember though that some members are under the age of 18 and we wouldn't want to teach our children these words. Just watch yourself when the younger members are playing. You may talk/joke/swear at the tables as long as it is not offending your opponent or the TD. If you are asked to stop at a table, please do so without arguement. If you continue to act this way after being asked to stop, you will receive 3 days in the penalty box. If we receive complaints about a member's name and it is a re- occuring complaint then we'll ask the member to change their name to a less offensive name.

3. No forfeiting games in league or tourneys, unless you are Disqualified. FF'ing on yourself in a league game will get you 3 days in the box. FF'ing on your opponent will get you 7 days in the box. This applies to league games and tourney games. The ONLY time FF'ing is allowed is if you have DQ'd in a tourney and the TD tells you to FF the game.

4. League games need to be reported as soon as possible. If you need help as to how to report a match please ask any member of the Canasta Lovers Admin Staff or a HTD/TD. If you have played a game against someone and they have failed to report the match, please use the "Unreported Match" link found in the left hand menu on league page. The complaint will then be followed up by a member of the Canasta Lovers Admin Staff. If a player fails to report a league match within the 24 hour period, the match will be reported by a member of the Canasta Lovers Admin Staff and the player will be warned for their 1st and 2nd offense. A third offense will result in the penalty box for 3 days.

5. Please do not sign up multiple names in Canasta Lovers. We do not allow, nor does Cases allow, people to have multiple names in the league. If you have 2 or more names in league please remove all but 1 of the names in league. If you are found having multiple accounts without letting a admin know the situations you will be given a warning. A member of the Canasta Lovers Admin Staff will contact you to find out what name you would like to continue using. If the Canasta Lovers Admin Staff does not receive a reply from you within 24 hours, all names will be removed. You will then have to rejoin the league. This can result in a loss of bux and stats so please take care of this situation ASAP if it occurs. If you continue signing up multiple names in league, all your multiple names will be removed from league and your original name will be boxed for 3 days. The ONLY time you are allowed multiple names are for masquerade tourneys.

6. In a tourney you are allowed 3 boots from yahoo (on the 4th boot you will be dq'ed) or 10 mins of missing time whichever comes 1st. After that allocated time, the TD will find a sub to finish the game (doubles, tag team, 3x3, 4x4, 5x5 or Bumper Butts ONLY), speed tournies are 5 mins MIA. (MIA's are not to be used as an excuse for holding up tourney play. Deliberate slow playing in tourney games will not be tolerated. Players will receive a slow play warning (3 maximum warnings), if the TD feels the player is not playing on a timely manner. The 3 brb's allowed per game will not be timed unless they are over 3 mins each and will then go against the 10 min MIA timer. You will receive 10 minutes to be missing each boot.

7. In all Doubles Tourneys, there will be no table talk, cheating, im's, voice chat of any kind. Asking 'out p?' is ok, but please limit answers to either yes or no. Do not tell your P you don't have wilds and can't meld or anything like that. Table talk will result in a disqualification of the game.

8. In Doubles Tourney's, the timer to get a sub is 5 mins. If a player does not return after 5 mins, then the TD is to go to lobby/pager and gets a sub. If the player returns before the game is over, the sub will finish the hand that is being played and let original player have their seat back. If the sub starts the game and the original player returns, the original player resumes play in the NEXT round if their team advances. Subs who have to complete a whole tourney and are on the winning team of the tourney will receive a 100 bux donation from the Canasta Lovers Admin team. While this is not as much as the sub could have earned had it been their own game they are playing, it is better than no bux at all. TD's must notify the Head Admin if this happens.

9. If you suspect a player or team has cheated in a game against you PLEASE notify an admin about this and DON'T take it public either at the table, to the lobby, or to an IM. If you are caught accusing a person or team in any of these three ways, you will be placed in the box for 1 day the 1st time, 7 days the 2nd time, and 30 days the 3rd time.

10. Please wait for the TD to get to the table before starting your game. Do not leave the table until the TD has said GG. They must be able to see the score and verify the win. Both parties should stay until the TD has said GG. Repeated occurences of leaving table before td says gg will be considered a rule violation and could be punished by boxing.

11. No fighting or disruptive behavior in the lobby will be tolerated. This ruins everyone's fun. If you have a problem with someone, take it private. If you cannot solve the problem, then bring it to the admin's attention and we will help you to try and solve it. Any fighting in the lobby will result in 3 to 365 days in the penalty box, depending on the severity of the situation. Anyone found to be changing names in order to come to the lobby and cause disturbance will be boxed the same as if in league name. It is the person, not the id, that is a member. No exceptions. Repeated offenses will be banned from the league. We are here for FUN!

12. Please use the Contact Admin choice on the league page menu for any complaints that you may have. Do not send ims with a complaint unless it is an urgent situation. The admin are only human and we might forget your complaint other wise. The Contact Admin link can be found in the left column on the league page. We will acknowledge receipt of your complaint and will get back to you A.S.A.P in regards to that complaint. We also welcome your comments and suggestions. You may email us a suggestion directly, just click on one of our names on the main league page for our email addresses.

13. We ask you only play in THREE at the most League Tourneys/Games at one time. Theses MAY be different leagues. If you are caught playing in more than three at one time we will DQ you from the last tourney/league game you entered and you will lose your ladder bux entry fee (if any). So please everyone do NOT register for more than three tourneys at one time because we do not like having to DQ anyone from a tourney/game. In Doubles you can p in two tourneys at same time/same partner, BUT you cannot be in a Doubles tourney with a partner and be on another table with that same partner either playing a non league game, league singles game, or a league doubles game UNLESS you invited an Admin/HTD/TD to the singles table.

14.You are allowed to play in a regular tourney and a speed tourney. That means if you're in a regular tourney and want to play in a speed tourney, you may.

15. Subs are allowed in league game doubles. The only people that can sub are staff member of Canasta Lovers (Admin, Htd's, and Td's). So if you have someone go mia in a league doubles game then after waiting 10 mins for them to get back you can ask for a STAFF MEMBER to sub in a league doubles game. The sub gets credit for the match if the team with the sub wins, but they're not required to report any losses. The person who left the match is only required to report losses to his/her opponents. However, if you are playing in a league singles game you may NOT get a sub.

16. All tournament games will be reported by the TD. Please do not go to the league page and report a tournament match. All new games will start at a new table. If the TD asks you to make a new table, please do so without arguement.

17. In the case of a defunct server we will try to finish games but if a player gets booted we will cancel the game and move to the new room. If the game you were in was over 2500 in points, by at least one team, we will continue the game from the point of score on the board. The TD will be responsible for doing this by hand. If the game score was under 2500, the game will start over from the beginning. All new games will start in the new room.

18. All tables will be set Rated, Kibitz Off and Private, unless instructed otherwise by the TD. Visitors WILL BE ALLOWED at the table if okay with BOTH players and the TD. If a visitor is being distracting, disruptive or abusive, please report this to the TD and they will be asked to leave the table. If they refuse to leave, they will be booted by the host of the table and placed in the penalty box for 3 days. At no time may the visitor KIBITZ the game.

19. Most importantly, make new friends and have a great time. Please remember that YOUR FAMILY AND FRIENDS always comes first. If an Admin, HTD, TD or player CAN NOT be here because of personal reasons, please be patient with them. Do not think they are not supporting the league and do not bad mouth them to anyone. If you are caught doing this, you will be given a warning. A second offense will result in 3 days in the penalty box. We all have lives outside of canasta and sometimes situations arise that we can not control. If you feel like you will be gone a long time, please contact an Admin and let them know. Thank you for joining our league and Welcome to Canasta Lovers!!

Kathy, you are still with us every day.