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Grades-3 Per Student
Grades-Total Grades Of All The Students
Text Book

You enter a classroom with books stacked against the front walls, a chalkboard with a floating piece of chalk off to the side, and 3 rows of 2 long tables that seat 4 people. You see a young female standing behind the front desk, and you suspect that she's the professor. She has blonde medium length hair, and brown eyes, and stands about 5"8.

"Hello and welcome to my Transfiguration page." You notice that as the professor speaks, the piece of chalk floats over to the board and copies everything she says. "I am Lillian Dulcia, but please call me Professor Dulcia, or Professor Lillian. Some of you may also know me as Head of Slytherin. Please note that I take class very seriously and I will not tolerate any foolishness, talking out of turn, or laughing at others mistakes. If any of what I just said happens to be done, points WILL be taken away, no exceptions. The only time you are alloud to talk is when I call on you, or you are practicing a spell, WITH PERMISSION. No hurting others, no trying to transfigure others as well. No asking ridicules questions that have nothing at all to do with Transfiguration! If any of my rules are broken it will result with points taken and possibly detention. I know you all would not like that!"

I expect, when I give out homework, I get like it back. So only to be fare... I will explain how I grade.

1 - I check spelling, you can get 0-10 points for this.

2 - I check and see if it is the required length, you can get 0-40 points for this.

3 - I check and see if its correct, you can get 0-50 points for this.

4 - I check for extra credit, depending on how well the extra you did is, is how many points you get. The extra credit will be added into a book and could help bring up a future bad grade.
