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Welcome to the TolCon homepage!

TolCon is a Tolkien Convention, focusing not just on the current movies, but on Tolkien's life, works and languages.
TolCon will be held May 14-16, 2004 in Seattle, Washington.

Please use the buttons to the right to navigate your way through our site.


Week of January 11th
WETA, the workshop run by Richard Taylor which made all of the props, weaponry, armor, and sets for the Lord of the Rings movies, has agreed to send a representative to TolCon as one of our Guests of Honor!

Week of January 4th
You can now hear a clip of our Musical Guest of Honor, The Great Luke Ski's, "Stealin' Like a Hobbit" by clicking HERE

Additionally, it has come to our attention that some people are confused about finding information for the Dealer's Room. That information is located on the Merchants page, accessible by the "Merchants" button to the right.

Week of December 29th
Submissions Open for TolFilm FanFilm Exhibition

The Northwest Tolkien Society is pleased to announce the addition of the TolFilm FanFilm Exhibition to TolCon, a convention dedicated to Tolkien, his works, his worlds and his fans, to be held May 14-16th, 2004 in Seattle, Washington.

We will accept submissions of all kinds, as long as the films relate to the Tolkien universe. Any of Tolkien’s books, languages, landscapes, even his environmental views are fair game. Yes, the actors too are fair game—as long as you show their relation to Tolkien. If it's a music video, parody, comedy, documentary, animation, a humorous look at waiting in line for tickets to LOTR, we wants it, precious! Submissions are open now until April 16th, 2004. For submission guidelines or more information on TolCon, visit the TolFilm information page.

Week of December 15th
New! We are pleased to add Dr. Martha Kingsbury as our Art History Guest of Honor.

Week of December 8th
New! We have the beginings of a Programming grid up. Click HERE to check it out.

Week of November 24th
The auction can be found here. New things are added every couple days, so check back often!

Week of October 27th
We're having an auction to raise funds for TolCon. If you'd like to help OR if you have items you'd like to donate, please email

Week of October 20th
Check out the TolFilm FanFilm Exhibition page for information and creating and submitting your Tolkien-inspired fanfilm!

Week of October 6th
Missed us at Anglicon? We'll also be at RingCon, the 24th-26th! (and we need volunteers to help man the table while some of us are on panels) Our raffle drawing will be held on Sunday at RingCon.

Week of September 28th
We will be at Anglicon this coming weekend! We'll be selling raffle tickets for a basket o' Tolkien stuff and selling memberships at a discount price, so stop on by!

Week of September 14th
We were getting lots of questions about volunteering, so we've updated the volunteers page. If you're interested in helping with TolCon, please check there first!

Week of August 4th
We've actually got a partial list of panelist and guest bios up! Of course, we're always looking for more panelists and artists! If you're interested please email

Week of July 28th
We are proud to have added the band Dorian Mirth to our Musical Guests! (Those of you who attended's Two Towers: One Party may remember them!)

We have two "Press Releases" that people should feel free to take and distribute at will! We'd appreciate it!
You can print The Short Version OR The Long Version

Week of July 14th
We're proud to announce that we have Official Confirmation from Jasmine Watson. Ms.Watson designed the jewelry & headpieces for the current movies.

Week of July 7th
Whew! The actual site is finally up!
If you think something is missing or have a category you think we should add, please email

TolCon is a members only event put on by the Northwest Tolkien Society, Inc.

NWTS, Inc is a fan organization and is in no way associated with
The Tolkien Estate, Rankin & Bass or New Line Cinema