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Hey sup? my name is jasmine and i love to chat n listen to music. my all time fav band is blink 182. THEY ROCK!!!! n e ways... i am a cheerleader and i hope to b smart.Dainka and Amber are my best friends in the whole wide world, i would be lost with out them. i luv them soo much!! muah!
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i love the beach, the beach is wat i live for. i love it!!! waves, sand, sun, guys with no shirts on, talls, errrrrrrrrrrr!! i love it!! get ride of this rainy seasons!! i hate it when its gloomy and cold!!! its sux!!! i dont know how a person can live with out the beach!!!:P if ya wanna party with me at the beach, hit me up on my cell, 716-5616 !!!!! cant wait for beach partys!! the kick soo much ass its unbalivable

My Favorite Web Sites

im a roxy queen
fun games and much more
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