ROckin QuoTes
Welcome to my lil' site where I express myself in numerous ways. And each way is just as weird as the last... :oP Well I say that, but chances are I most likely won't express myself. But wudevr :oP Well, just click around on my site. There's not much rite now since i'm once agen starting another site. I'll eventually put up pix once i get a digi... which will be never. :-\

~*~*~WHaSSUP pPLZ~*~*~

My sister Sam, my aunt feefee, my sis-in-law jayme, my other sis-in-law KC, my bro mike, other mike, my mommy liz, unckie riccardo... and the regs course - britt, steve, calin, jazmine, art, chere, ashley, victor, daniel, manuel, rafael, gus, alyssa, tina, eric, holly, anna, jasmine and other pplz... if i didnt put u on here, jus yell at me l8r. And no, these ain't in ne particular order, so dont beach...

~*~*~New ShiEt!!~*~*~

September 24 - wuddup g diggity dawg? nothin herre (:) jus kickin it... hm... new shiet. well all of y'all already know bout wut went down 2day. but aside from that, it been the same ol' same ol'... l8rz!

~*~*~WhaT thE crAp iS tHis?!~*~*~

Alright pplz, this is where I explain what all that crap in the table below is...

"Pix" are pretty self explanatory. Once I figure out how to fix the frickin size of the pix, i'll put some on there. And there'll also be the worthless crap I make on the computer. Like I'll put my dumb lil' drawings and my simpsons collage.

"Rockin Quotes" are obviously quotes that kick bootay... I just find them funny, not inspirational.

"Guestbook" isn't the way you traditionally a guestbook. It's a blog... but it's the same basic thing. Just visit that site and hit me bout wut u think of this sorry excuse for a page...
ROckin QuoTes

Take the M&M's Test @ /~erin

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