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Tiffy & Trina

Trina I love you tons and tons babe.

Tiffy & Trina's Friendship

How We Met & What We Do!

Me and Trina met because of our friend Shauna. Her and Shauna had all their classes together and me and shauna had been friends for years..... when Shauna met her she thougth she was the koolest. SO she introduced us to eachother in the hall. It was awsome and we clicked right away. Then it came time for me and this girl amanda to work on our talent show routine and she told me last minute that she couldn't do it so she told me and trina we should do it we DID!and it all went from there......needless to say me and trina became best friends and we practically lived together over the past summer...we're still best friends and we alwayz will be...and I love her very much.

Well what else can I say about me and my Trina....hmmm she's alwayz there for me adn she's the best.. you have no I don't know where I'd be without her... crusin by my sided in the summer in westbrook or swimming at 1am at long pond in the middle of the night. We have had some of the best and worse times together but we alwayz manage to come out on top. And that right there is what makes this friendship so special.