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Ti Amos Mystics Guild


Weekly Contest: Scrambled Sentence -This weeks scrambled sentence is: See guild page for current sentence!
A prize will be awarded to the first 5 who enter the currect answer before Monday(Sept 29) Please send answers to springsking

Donation Contest: Description: Some times we'll have contests where you the members donate items to help raise Mystical_Ti_Amos(our neopet) stats and raise money for the guild to buy your prizes!!!
The current donations contest is: Toys! Donate as many toys as you can until Friday Oct 3 and then the top 3 donators will win a prize! (eg..codestone &/or fearies ect...) Please send toys to the guild account(tiamosmysticsguild)

Why have a donating contest you ask? This is so that the guild can afford to give you those big prizes such as paint brushes! If every member donates 1000np worth of stuff the better the prizes get! And remember the random giveaways! You may just get a gift for doing nothing!

Once we have enough members I will start asking for the members to refere another member of the guild for a council postion.

Very soon we will start the Story Stories, Poems and picture contests.
If you have more suggestions for contests please neomail springsking.

Member of the Month(MOTM): Here I will post the member of the month who will be picked by the council members by how active the person was and how helpful. The MOTM will recieve a gift and guild privaliages for that Month!

The member of the month for August is msugirl207!!! For being a great help and being with the guild from the start!

These will be given to you once you have been a member for one week.

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