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The Badger Gazette
May: | 31 |
April: | 28 | 29 | 30 |

-May 31, 2003-

The hufflepuff newspaper is finally out =) it took a month... but it's here! we still need articles though so please send me some articles! =) thanks!

-matt- (iamtinydude)

-April 30, 2003-

Made the new staff page for the newspaper =) Hope you like it =) The "Older Articles" page is not up cuz... we have no old articles heh =) It will be up as soon as we archive =)

-matt- (iamtinydude)

-April 29, 2003-

There is a new poll, counter and mailing list! You will get an e-mail telling you when the newspaper is updated if you sign up for the mailing list! More things will be added shortly and word has it Tomahawk280 is breing up another article =) So keep your eyes peeled!

-matt- (iamtinydude)

-April 28, 2003-

New layout for The Badger Gazette! We need some staff members to keep this newspaper running! So if you have a talent for writing, editing, or making websites contact fruitti_tuitti! Anything you can do to help us out would be great!

Also if you have any ideas for the layout or ideas for an article send them in! (Also send them to fruitti_tuitti)

The newspaper isn't ready yet, but once we get some articles we will put them up! Anything is fine! It could be on Harry Potter, The Guild, The Hufflepuffs, or anything! Use your imagination! Have fun!

-matt- (iamtinydude)
Quidditch: Is The Pitch in the Ditch?
By: Tomahawk280

The Ministry of Magic for the entire Wizarding World has made a threat. They threaten to take away Quidditch permanently from all wizarding children’s schools around the entire Wizarding World. "Too many children get injured each year from this unpractical sport. It is time to..." [see more]
| p.o.l.l | f.a.q |

Here are some extra things such as polls, F.A.Q. (Frequently Asked Questions), and other little add-ons just for some fun =)

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