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Greetings and well met!

The road has been long and winding, you desire nothing more than a warm fire and to relax in good company. The road before you starts to change, it begins to shimmer and ripple as a mirage does to the weary traveller. You step forward cautiously, curiously. Your next stride takes you within the vision.

You see a small fortress of a home before you. The land is calm and serene, giving you comfort. You move forward, with each step the air becomes fresher, clearer, almost magikal in essence. You breathe deep and know, this is a good place to hang your hat until the road calls to you once more.

The door swings open, inviting you within. A miriad of smiling faces awaits. Dominants and submissives, Masters and slaves bid you greetings. You find a seat and get comfortable, joining in on the conversation. You feel the fellowship and warmth of this place unfurl around you.

Welcome weary traveller to #The^Guest^House.
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