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Newest Issue/Issue1/Issue 2

The Gardius Report

brought to you by _aximili90_

Issue 3, Year 1, July 12th 2003


loyal Imperial Guards have viewed this page

  • New information about the Space Faerie Quests has been found! PPT says that in exchange for an item, she will give a random 4 stats (same ones) to one of your pets!

It is time!

  • New one player battledome tournament started this weekend! Good luck to all that entered, and good job to the previous winners; _aximili90_, deege84, shihian, tantric8969, deadsoulwithoutyou, Patagonian, uchibuchi3, and single_in_ks.

  • Tips for new mass destroyers of 1p opponents:

  • Use Drain Life, the more health your opponent gets without doing more damage the more this benefits you. Most effective starting against opponents with 100 hp. Use it on weak  the first 4 turns, then burrow and try to freeze your opponent, or use your healing items at the same time. I am at the bottom of my division in stats, but I have gotten a pretty high score compared to others using these tactics.

  • Sticky hands are very effective against 1p opponents because they cant reuse the sticky hand. If you're lucky you'll take away what hurts the most or the healing item he has.

  • If you're losing, try the conservative approach. Use a leaf shield or another type of sheild as well as your weapon. If he does less than half his usual damage and you do half or more your usual, you're more likely to win.

I dare ya!

  • Don't forget to attempt to win Imperial Better than you! Win Meerca Chase with 450-460 points and neomail masterofdisaster191 to win!

  • A lot of questions have been asked about how to report your score: This is called the Honor System. We will believe you.

Good luck!

  • Chefs! Dont forget to make your recipe and hand it in to Archangellight!

My mouth tingles at the thought of your delicacies!


  • We have recently suffered the loss of many of our oldest members. Some have gone to WOA and other have made their own guild, or just remained guildless. I just want to remind you that we are not competing with WOA, that we aren't recruiting there, and that we are supposed to be on friendly terms with them.


  • NEW THIS WEEK! Suggested Battledome item. Each week I will analyze a battledome Item, saying why it is a good one, who can afford it, and Ill have a picture of what it looks like.

  • This weeks battledome item is: Immense Rubber Axe of Doom.

Throw this rubber axe at your opponent and it will magically bounce back into your paw.

  • This item is great because it only costs 2000-2500np right now. It does two dark, two earth and 1-2 physical. Great for beginners in price and attack because its cheap and its attack is constant. Its easily blocked but most opponents wont block in low level fights. This item also helps shave down your opponents attack with a small amount of physical defense. Great paired up with more intermediate weapons like the Hand Painted Scarab or the Plastic Halloween Fork.


  • Please send articles, opinions, interesting facts, pictures, news, etc to me at to have them entered into the Newspaper coming out August 1st! Please send in articles now so I can start working on it!


  • We need new(or returning) nominees for the MOTM Top Dogs contest of august! Nominate others or even yourself for this, and then watch as they duke it out to be member of the month! Check out the Top Dogs site from the guild front page or by clicking either link here!

  • note: Battles for current contest need to be wrapped up by next week.



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