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My SaTaNiC bAnD(or chinese liver disease or w/e it was)

We're a band...that really isnt a band....yet....and...well basically... WE'RE GOING TO KICK YOUR ASS ! yeah ! you bet !! better put a pillow on that ass !! or some armor ! binary girl(floor-girl) 'corrupting children and pissing off old people one person at a time...' and unnamed (who sounds boring but is really totally cool, and totallykeys) . *HLBL Hot Lesbian Baseball League Where the only thing the bats hit is the G-spot!* ------------------------------------------------------ okey, its my archived shit so no touchy. URIBD.... 1. so i was walking down the street and i saw this duck and it yelled at me ! it said ima fuckin ' goose you woman, and im like what ? ur a duck, hes like go fuck a duck ! im a goose ! mothar fokar ! i said fine you rump roast, you are going to be fine french cuisine basted in white wine, and i threw him in the tiber river, which i realized was in africa, or did i cause the cat said to follow the trail of pixi stix until the branch is golden and your tree is full height, with its fluffy ears and enourmous yellow hands, basking in the daylight by winter fire time in the cool breeze of namibia 2. ABOUT THE COLOR BLUE ! (because of a freewriting paper about anything that i never had to do but if i could this would be it) and how you can transfuse the color to become other colors, when you look into the clouds, you see more than blue, if you know what you are looking for. blue is the only color people dont realize is more than just blue. its deeper. not just periwinkle blue, but dark blue, and other wonderful mixtures of pink, purple, gray, or maybe you spell it grey, and white. although scientists say blue is a primary color, i should think that it would be much more than that. and there are no primary colors. in fact i would like to completely takeapart that conclution and say blue could even be called, squash. or water. i love the color water. it sparkles like no other. water IS the color, my friends, think of it like the matrix, there is no water, there is no blue, there is no anything, or nothing, just numbers. just coding of numbers.

Our CDs in the making...