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The Cute City Cafe Website

Welcome to The Cute City Cafe Website! There's lots to do here! First of all, there are many fun Guild Links to visit, such as our Cafe Centers (you can apply for one!), Contests Page,Banners and Backgrounds. Then there are the Guild News and Updates, where the latest on everything from Contests to MOTM are posted. If you have been away for a little or you dont have parental permission, this is a wonderful thing to scan through. We also provide ways of contacting my_bunny_brownie. This is usefull is you have any ideas, suggestions, concerns, questions, whatever! So, what are you waiting for? Enjoy!

Guild News and Updates
This is just the latest in everthing...

Contests News:

Junk Drop Contest has finished!fameequalsnothing won with 145 junk items!

Shop decorating contest winner:hotstuff_love_jazz! Congrast! A new shop decorating is up!

2 new contests have been added! One is called Userlookup Decorating and the other is called Quick Food!Check them out now!

Can you be the First to get contest changing daily again!

Unscamble the Neopian Words has been updated. You now recieve 100 C.C instead of 50 C.C as it is harder!

June M.O.T.M:


Monthly Giveaway winner:



The Baby Usul Plushie is now over!The winner was xxsuga_camel!A new one begins July 11 for Lemon Swirly Negg,1/3 Smiley Pizza, and Strawberry Heartcicle!Hope this one is as big of a hit!


For your birthday, please post it on the calender and you will receive a special surprise from my_bunny_brownie.

We have a CAFE WAGER! Cool huh? He can be found in the Contests area so go there to find out more about him:) We have a background and banner section. New banners for the guild are being added. Same with backgrounds. So please be sure to check that out.

The Special Food theme this month is Cakes! Please look at the guild layout and see how we did for this theme! Special thanks to stephanie060492 for making our guild logo and background! Also, to xxsuga_camel for helping with the layout!

Our guild now has an e-mail! All e-mails for contests and guild things should go their from now on.

Guild Links

Special Layout Fun

We want to spice up The Cute City Cafe. We have decided to do some layout fun, where every month, you guys get to vote on what kind of food themed layout you want. The votes will be on the poll! I hope this appeals to everyone!

Guild Rules

  1. Don't advertise other guilds in the message board
  2. Don't use our guild ideas on another guild on another account you have
  3. Only one of your accounts can join our guild
  4. If you have parental permission, please be active
  5. Particpate in contests whenever you can
  6. Try and donate to help out the guild
  7. If you find another guild that is familier to ours, please report them to my_bunny_brownie
  8. Share you ideas with my_bunny_brownie
  9. Don't complain about people not being active
  10. Have fun:)
Contact My_bunny_brownie

You can contact me by this e-mail:

Plus, if you have neomail, there is an advantage, since I do to. So you can neomail me whenever, just to plain chat, or for contests.

My_bunny_brownie:Check out the raffle and take a look at our new contests, Userlookup decorating and quick food!