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<bgsound src="" loop=infinite>
point of view:Relm

i heard bumping and hitting from upstairs."huh?"crono heard.the soldier felled on the stairs and landed by his desk."hi relmy and crono!"a voice sounded like kuki.

"kuki?what are you-...stop calling me relmy!"i yelled." was your trip to jail?"she asked."not good that's for let's get out of here!"crono said.

"wait!where is lucca and beatrix?"i asked."distracting the soldiers."kuki responded.we all ran up and to the bridge.the bridge shook."what is that?"crono asked.we ran closer to where it was.a dragon-like machine was there.

"dragon tank destroy those pests!"it was the chancellors voice."...well to defeat it quickly...cast thunder!"i yelled to we both casted thunder but i casted thundara.but no use...

"defeat it quickly huh?"crono said."...ok just give it everything you got then!"i said."okie dokie!"kuki summoned ifrit."crono let's destroy the wheel!"i pointed at the huge wheel by the dragon tank.

not long it was.crono and i destroyed the wheel and kuki destroyed the head with ifrit's fire attack."finally..."crono jumped on the dragon tank where the wheel was then made it electricute it."the dragon tank!"the chancellor yelled.

"well?fix it!hurry!!!"the chancellor and two soldiers went to the dragon tank,but it exploded.they all fell...forming us a bridge?cool!!!"thank's for the bridge!"i said and walked over them."have fun being one."crono followed me after."bye bye!"kuki followed.

downstairs,we ran into beatrix and lucca."glad you're ok!we couldn't distract them longer!"lucca said."sorry we took so long crono and relm."beatrix said."that's let's get out of here!"crono said and we continued running downstairs to the main floor.

"intruders!"a few soldiers were by us."we have no choice but to break through!"lucca yelled.we all ran as fast as we could,but when we were by the upstairs to the throne room...we were surrounded."great!we can't get out!"i yelled."stop this!"a voice sounded like...

"they are my friends!now have some respect!"it was marle walking in...but wearing a dress."b-but princess-" "can't you take orders?!"marle interupted a soldier." that's a good thing being a princess!"i said."hold it right there!"

the chancellor showed up by walking in where marle came from...but how?!"how did you-" "do as your father says!"he interupted me.marle's father walked in."father i-" "silence princess nadia!the throne comes before all of your personal wishes!"he interupted marle.

"hey!just because i have a title doesn't mean i am not a person!!!"marle yelled."you pick up the strangest ideas exploring outside..."marle's father said."i didn't pick up anything!it is called common sense!heard of it?!"marle said."princess-" "i despie this place!i even despise you!i'm leaving!come on everyone!"she said,slipped out of her dress revealing her regular clothing,and then ran out.we all followed her.

"sheesh that was amazing what you said!"i said."i couldn't take it relm!"marle said."there they are!"the chancellor was behind us and with a few soldiers."we can only go there!"crono pointed at a empty place to the left and we all ran.

nothing..."a dead end..."beatrix said."wait!a 'gate'!"lucca said."but where did that come from lucca?...nowhere?"kuki said."don't know but we have no choice everyone!"she said."but where will it take us?"crono asked."don't know just go in!"lucca raised the 'gate' key and it opened.we all went in.

we were going too fast!dizzy it was...maybe because of alot of people?we all came out fast and flew and slammed into different directions.the place looked so high technology...more than lucca's technology...what is this place?

To Be Continued...
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