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special thanks:


Wan xuan.... you're always there for me, no matter how busy you are, I m glad to have you as a fren!!! no words can express my gratitude towards you!!

Sharon bao bei!!! W.A.N.... I m glad to have u too........ I m touched by all the stuff u done for me- especially when my grandma passes away.... u were there for me, comforting me, encouraging me.... I really wanna say thank u, my love *hugz* ~muacks~ wanna some more??

chiao mei(strawberry)... thanks for companying me home daily!! the journey back home is never lonely with your laughers and voice!!! thanks for the joy u brought to me....... we really love u!!! *muacks*

wei tan... thanks for everything..... really nice to have you as a fren..... though u are very "sotong" and you are the one who always got us lost!!! NOT ME!!!!

jesslyn..... hey hey!! surprise that I mention your name???? heheh.. well all I gotta say I thanks for guidance.... I really appreciate it!!! I like u!!

wei ping..... thanks for the pics, I stole it from ur webpage!!!!

wei te..... thanks for been there to share ur "fabulous" advice with me. and thank u for giving me the neo-print set........ I'm sorry I lost it!!!

lay keow..... thanks for your help!!

thanks to Joey, Alan, Florence, Jamie, Jeanette, jing hui, jia hao, Kelvin, kovan, Lawrence, Lydia, tung tut for brightening up my life.... and a special fren-- thank you


hey!!!!! I m really sorry if I failed to mention you name....... but anyway thanks to all my frenz... you all are very impt to me!!! ^lot of love^

 friends make the world a better place to live in          

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