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Horseland Game Horse Details
Horse Details
Horse: - Alito [55.647] - 2187824

Owner - T.w.i.s..t.e.d. M.i.n.d.z. [running in Trakehner}

(Former owner:Moved.)

(former name - Alito [51.494pts.])

Horse name Alito [55.647] breed Elite Thoroughbred
Age in game years 6 color Rose Gray
height 15 type [ whatever you want ] ( Steeplechase)
points 55647 .

For Sale Asking Price =$ 15000000
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This horse is a male

This horse is available for stud. Fee is 99999999 Breed one of your horses with this horse

This horse is boarded at - Store Temporary Boarding Days paid 129 days

Father of this horse is a store horse
Mother of this horse is a store horse

Date last shod 3/26/2003
Date last examined by a vet 3/26/2003

( !HORSE NOT FED FOR -4 days)

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Record ID=2187824, Last update day - 3/30/2003