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Low-Budget Wicca

Blessed Be!

Wiccan? Have no money? Maybe, like me, you don't have the income to afford an elaborate setup for spells and rites. But don't fret... This site gives suggestions for worshipping the Goddess with little to no money at your disposal.

The best thing for a wiccan with no money is an active imagination. If you have scraps of fabric you can sew a patchwork altar cloth. If you don't want to take the extra time and energy to build everything and have a small amount of money, browse secondhand stores, charity consignment shops and pawn shops. The Shopping Goddess is good to persistent thrift shoppers!


Inexpensive Substitutions for the "Must-Haves" of Wicca

  Primary Tools 
  Other Substitutions  

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© August 2003 Harmony Griffith, Clark College.