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If you would like to view the pix ...

View The Pix

Pix 1
Pix 2
Pix 3
Pix 4
Pix 5
Pix 6
Pix 7
Pix 8
Pix 9
Pix 10
Pix 11
Prototype 1B
Prototype 1C
Prototype 1D
Prototype 1E

Thank you for viewing the pix I have put together as ideas for your site, I believe that ProtoType 1B is a keeper but bare in mind that these took one day to script and therefore complete abaondonment is not out of the question, but also remember that anything in any of the pix can be recombined with other stuff and the knotwork can/will be reworked. this is also not including any navigation scheme at this point, that will be introduced next.