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HEY! Welcome to my Knee Page! :)

HeY everybody! I hope you're having an awesome day! So here you are, at my page. I created this site so I could keep you guys updated on myself and my knee throughout the summer and up until I'm up and running again. I'll try to update it daily. If you're just a curious kid with nothing much to do, I hope all this doesn't bore ya! If you're one of my friends, thanks for all the support! And if you're one of my coaches, you'll get lots of updates on my knee from here!


THE BIG, THE SCARY, & THE UGLY...WHAT? August 10, 2003
Go to the Updates section!

I GOT A JOB!! July 17, 2003
Go to the Updates section!

MY BRACE IS HERE! YAY! :) July 14, 2003
Go to the Updates section!

Read all about it in the Updates section!

THE MONEY'S POURING IN!! June 30, 2003
Read all about it in the Updates section!

THE MRI REPORT IS IN! June 29, 2003
For all you keeners or sponsers out there, click here to read the horrible MRI report!

What's all this "ACL" and "Lateral meniscus" mumbo jumbo? Don't know? Click here to gain some knowledge in the medical world!

Thanks to Mr. VZ and Meaghan who loaned me money, I was able to get my MRI done faster, which leads to a quicker recovery on the whole. Below is an "IOU" table which will indicate when I've paid back money. A ----- means No and a means Yes. Check back every few weeks and see my progress!!

Name of Loaner Amount Owed Paid
Meaghan Boyd $200 -----
Mr.VZ $50 + 5 hrs work -----

"A swift kick in the butt : $1.00"
Maybe Calvin can give me tips on making some money... :)

So how am I doing?

I decided that you should know how I'm doing. Every so often, I'll give you updates on myself and my progress, in entries I write. Talk to ya soon, hopefully!

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This page was last updated: August 10, 2003

If you have any questions or anything you can mail me at