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Real Name: Mike
Birthday: November 20, 1984
Gender: Male
Location: New Jersey
Expertise: hmm... good one... I dunno... there are a lot
Hobbies: ddr.. cs... computers... baseball.. basketball.. there are more.. just can't think... more
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FNORD - Friday, April 25, 2003 - FNORD

well I'm back from the Bahamas.. it was ok.. not much to do other then drink and gamble.. and mel said not to drink so much.. so that left pretty much just gambling.. lol.. I did ok on the slots so it wasn't a total waste of a trip.. just I really missed mel A LOT!!!... that's all.. well I'll get to see her soon.. so I'm happy about that now.. =D... other then that the vacation was fun... well I'm tired as hell.. nite all

- Mike

FNORD - Friday, April 18, 2003 - FNORD

well this will be my last entry b4 I leave for the Bahamas.. and that means that I won't see Mel for four days ::wants to cry at the thought::.. but I know that this will be better for the long run.. after all distance makes the heart grow fonder.. and that will mean.. that when I finally see her again.. I will care even more for her... I don't know if that is humanly possible at this point.. but I guess we will see Wed huh?.. well.. I just wanted to say good bye until wed.. and I probably won't update until I get back.. so I hope everyone enjoys their break...

mel.. I'm gonna miss you sooo much hun... I'm already looking more foward to the next time that I will see you than to this whole trip... I'll call you from the bahamas.. <3!!..

- Mike

FNORD - Wednesday, April 16, 2003 - FNORD

well.. today was great... hanging out with mel.. was.. well amazing.. I think that is the only way to describe today.. amazing.. well.. I'm speechless.. that's how amazing it was.. this might be my last entry until I get back from the Bahamas.. so I hope everyone has a good spring break.. and I'm gonna miss you mel.. I'm gonna miss you SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

well ignore the down part about mel in that last entry.. lolo I'm actually updating this first period of school.. shows how much work I have to do in school huh?.. anyway.. yeah me and mel had a pretty long talk last night.. and all seems to be going well... we are going to see what happens after this spring break.. which seems good to me.. I know she has to think.. so I'm going to let her think.. I told her a couple of things that I have learned from experience in my life... I hope she listened and takes it into consideration.. well I'm supposed to see mel tonight.. so I'll let you all know how that goes later on today.. and at this time Friday.. I'll be on my way to the bahamas.. I'm gonna miss you mel!!!.. I'll try to have fun without you... but don't blame me if I don't..

- Mike

FNORD - Tuesday, April 15, 2003 - FNORD

it's just one of those days..

well as u can probably guess.. today was a day of ups and downs.. well really one big up.. and a lot of downs

first let's get the up out of the way... I talked to mel almost the whole day.. so that's always an up.. but today felt different for some reason.. today was a day.. where it felt like things were gonna work out for the best (well.. they didn't quite get as far as I would have hoped for) but still it was good..

now for the downs.. where do I start.. lately I've been fighting with my mom... so that's a down.. second of all.. I had to run home during my lunch and print out my law paper.. or I would lose ten points on it.. the third thing that brought me down didn't come until like an hour.. when asking a friend for advice on mel.. they said remain good friends.. but forget about the relationship.. :'( ... I didn't know how to react.. but then I talked to mel.. and she admits that at times there are feelings of more then a friend.. but at times there are feelings of just friendship.. it's hard.. she is stuck.. and I'm stuck.. and there is nothing we can do about it... she thinks she isn't ready for a relationship yet.. but at the same time.. should you go through life thinking what if?.. I dunno.. I'm stuck.. I have the strongest feelings of my life riding on this one I guess.. so until then.. I can only hope and pray...

- Mike

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Real Name: Mike
Birthday: November 20, 1984
Gender: Male
Location: New Jersey
Expertise: hmm... good one... I dunno... there are a lot
Hobbies: ddr.. cs... computers... baseball.. basketball.. there are more.. just can't think... more
Email: Click Here

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