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Welcome to my crazy world.... I have been a practicioner, mainly solitary since I was a child. My great grandmother was the guiding hand in showing the beautiful path of Wicca. I come from a long line of Irish Celts, with a few other novalties thrown in. Coming from the descent I did, confirmed my decision to follow this Path. I enjoyed listening to Nana Reba's thoughts about the Old World, the things she studied about the craft, and how it became a major part of the lives circled around our women genes. It shaped the woman I became today. I entered the Clan of the Firey Moon in a haze....and am now opening my mind, my heart, and my arms to a new beginning. I see what the world can be through the eyes of the people in the Clan, and I am learning through their knowledge and understanding. I was once in a coven where things were hidden behind mazes and masks. The mask has come off, and the maze now has a map. I loved alot of my coven mates dearly, they were the only family I knew. We were a group of confused, rebellious and misguided teenagers, trying to make something in a world where what we believed seemed real only to us. I grew up in a sheltered family, thinking that one way was the only way. Then I became a part of the coven, and found a new way. When I realized that path wasn't my destiny, I moved on. It hurt to leave behind that life, but in doing so, I now have found a new one. I met Fire Eyes through Witchvox, and I am grateful every day that she sent me that email inviting me over to the Clan house. It was the day I learned about a new path mixed with my Path, and a new life that can made with lots of love and patience. Each day is a new chapter in the book we make of our life, and the people in it are apart of the plot line. I feel with each new character we meet, that they came for a reason, and they make that chapter worth reading. The Chapter that is being wrote about the Clan, is full of laughs, love, understanding, patience, trials, but most of all hope. Welcome to the Clan. Love it, enjoy it, live it, breathe it, but most of all protect it. Its very dear to all of us.. Namaste.
