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Potions Class Website

Homework will be updated once a week on the weekends. Any points from completed homework you may have earned will be tallied then as well.

Each question is worth five House points unless marked otherwise. Partial credit may be awarded in exceptional cases at the discretion of the professor.

If you do not include both your name and your House with your homework (in the beginning of the message before your answers) you will not receive any credit! See the instructions below if you are confused. If you have any questions, please send me a Note.

For the following questions, indicate which of the pair is the wizarding ingredient and which is a Muggle substance.

1. Lacewing flies/Potato bugs

2. Bluegrass/Knotgrass

3. Boomslang skin/Lyre snake skin

Extra credit (four points): What complex potion requires all three of the wizarding ingredients named above, and (two further points) in what reference text does the recipe appear?

Submit your homework

You should fill out the homework form like this:
From: Your email address, if you have one
Subject: Potions homework
Body: Your name, House and answers.

This is an example:
Subject: Potions Homework
Body: Severus Snape, Slytherin House
1. Asphodel and wormwood make rose-scented perfume.
2. Bezoars are found under cabbage leaves.
3. The plants grow in different areas of the world.
Extra Credit -- Daisies are associated with the two plants above, because they all look good in a flower arrangement together.