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History of Wicca
Guest Book
Message Board

     Mydnight Syndicate Web Page Design © 2003-2005











Sub Rosa Dracos

Greetings and Welcome to S.R.D.  This site was created to give knowledge about Wicca. I hope with what is contained within on the following pages will help you on your journey of knowledge in one of the worlds oldest religion. The information was gathered from two resources that have greatly influenced S.R.D. (sub rosa dracos) 

“The Complete Book of Witchcraft “ by Raymond Buck land and “ The Wicca Handbook” by Eileen Holland. So I do hope I do them both credit in sharing their information with you. If you want to know more, start by going to your local book store and purchasing these two books as a jump start in the path of Wicca. Remember Knowledge is power and with that power you too can help others.

May the Goddess watch over you!

Blessed Be! 

Updated: August 10, 2003



As of July 1st, 2003 I have been officially ordained through ULC (Universal Life Church ) as a Minister of Wiccan Philosophy. 

  If you wish to reach me. I am available at the following email addresses.



~*Jaden Isis is 4 months as of August 18th!*~


   Nothing as of yet. 


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