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Amekhaye Khlebn

Sailor Raphael-Yaira Cohen

Yaira: *Waltzes in* Hmm. This background color reminds me of the color that magnesium sulfate turns when held over an open flame. We did that experiment back in primary.
Mari: Magna-who?
Yaira: *Sigh* Mag-KNEE-see-UM SUL-FATE. Don't make me go Israeli on your ass.
Mari: Lookie! A dog! Hey...where'd ya go?
Yaira: ...I hate you. So, why are the colors do you say it, um..
Mari: Garish? They're YOUR colors.
Yaira: I do not recall picking these colors out.
Mari: Oh yeah. Forgot one.
Mari: That better?
Yaira: Not much.
The Woman, The Chemist, The Soldier, And Dog
The Senshi, The Powers, The Background
The Email