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Well...i'm again in loss of words... in a year i'll b headin off to college. and what's left there to say? in this state of frustration before all the exams, i don't know how to accurately express my feelings... but do you, possibly, feel the blue that i'm feeling now? in the past 2 years of high school i have grown up so much and thanx to you, my dear friend, who has been so genuine and enthusiastic for me... u've changed me. people say:" the ones who make a difference in your life are the ones you'll always remember." i want you to know that you've made a difference in my life and you know who you are...thanx to you again my dear friend, please hold on to our precious memories and i'll see you again when we both succeed in life=) P.S. Sum people wondered for a year who i had my new crush on but i kept it quiet, not because i wanted to keep it from you but that it never clearly formed! u kno what i mean? Jess and Eve? well now that it's changed a bit...haha... i had this wonderful crush on Michelle... SURPRISE!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love her so much...well according to my bisexual theory this isn't much special but let me make this clear: biography of michelle Name: Michelle Age:17 Hair Color: Black Eye Color: Brown Sex : Female Weight: 15 pounds Species: Cat... i love her but i think she's dying but o well thisz wats called fatal attraction=).......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Life has been such a waste without friends ; but we never realize that till sumday we're stuck in the underworld somewhere and prohibited from any contact with the outside world, cuz then we are left with sum silence and rationality to think straight. Some people say "well that's cuz you (it's "WE", DUMBASS) always want what you don't get." Alrite, it's true but haven't people realized "C'est la vie"? we are mortals, for god's sake, who are theoretically unable to avoid the set nature of things! So let's not deny the fact that we need friends!!!!!!!!! i guess if there were any people who really could live their lives with no friendship, no love, or communications whatsoever are immortals?! Well screw them=0 ...LOL, so much bullshit... .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................P.S. Lauren we're gonna have so much fun the summer! i'm gonna miss you next year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! P.P.S. I love you n u kno who ur! don't get too jealous about michelle cuz... i don't kno...just CUZ!!!