~*~Trisha luvin' Sky, Love to all my friendz*~*
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~*~*This is my mister~*I love him with all my heart~*~ He is so sexy~*~Taken 08-11-04~

~*~Trisha luvin' Sky, Love to all my friendz*~*


This is a recent pix of me~08~11~04~Yeah of me Miss~

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This is my aa page...bounce by

Just a lilo' pix i drew when my mister and i got a lilo'upset at eachother up...
This is a Great movie wanna know about it? Mandy Moore is SO COOL!


hey...my second niece was born on Dec. 10, 2003..she is 8 lbs. 6 ounces, and is 18 inches..she is the kutest...hehehe...her beauty name is Jasmine*~*

On Sept. 17, 2003

****...today my best friend has left us here on Earth...i miss u so much already....~_~
...it feels like it's a dream and that i'll wake up tomorrow and see u again...but i know i won't ever get to see u again...**** *Up in the heavens, sitting on the beautiful clouds*


Everyone who knew you, Can say you were a happy guy.
You made everyone around you happy. You?ll always be a friend, Someone to make their day.
Make them laugh not mad or sad. You always put your friends before your needs.
Through all the good and the bad times, You were always there. Whenever we saw you in class, in the hall,
Or simply just hanging in the student center, You?d greet us with the warmest smile and the biggest hello.
We are all blessed to have had you as our friend. You are a part of all our lives, You?re a memory to keep and hold on to for always. God bless you with our love, Love all your friends. Love always Hlee Xiong

You`re Perfect ^^
-Perfect- You`re the perfect girlfriend. Which
means you`re rare or that you cheated :P You`re
the kind of chick that can hang out with your
boyfriend`s friends and be silly. You don`t
care about presents or about going to fancy
placed. Hell, just hang out. You`re just happy
being around your boyfriend.

What Kind of Girlfriend Are You? brought to you by Quizilla

~My sexy stud made me a sign....Grlfantasy2 for life...awww yea..thanxz babie...love u much... ~

Are You HOT or NOT?

~All of us gurlz and boiz up on this page too kute ~

~*My babe nephew Ben..he is so kute..i love u babie boi*~

~*A pix of my babe Sky and Me...yupp...i love u babe... ~


*~* Hey the song playin' is "Pretty Boy" by M2M, yupp, i love this song, it is so beautiful*~*~ Pretty pretty boy i love u...
*here is a pix of my gurl Karen C....well, yupp..take karez gurl...always..^_^ *

~This is a pix of me...~

*here go see me..taken jan 25 for v-day 2002..hahah that was before me and my babe hooked up.. *

Hey There wat~up...this is my page...under major construction...ok..so thanxz for bouncin' by..take karez...and hey i'll have everybody's up on my page soon ok~
*Hey go and check me out...hahah taken when i was in 9th grade which was a long time ago b/c now i'm a senior.^_^ *
*Hey heres a pix of my beautiful cuz wendy...well hey she taken and all..Hey gurl i hope the very best for u and ur boi..take karez..CUZ for life...^_^ *

This is my pretty gurl kabau y...well, gurl i just wanna hope the very best for u..take karez ok...see u soon...~

~*~Kickin' it at Wanaka Park wit my boiz and gurls of CHS~*~

Frm L~R~~>Chantra,Sia Y, Sia L.,Nancy, Tina, Marcie, and ME~

Our Good~bye Cake..Names of: David k, Nancy K,John X, Micheal X, Sia L, Sia Y, Marcie L, Tina H, James, Paul, Hlee, Yia, magaret, chantra, and many more....~

Every~body gettin' ready to eat some grub..heheheh...

~*~In Front of CHS~*~

Frm: L~R~~~> Chantra, Tina, Sia Y, Sia L, Magaret, and Nancy

~*~ In The Lunch Room*~*

Frm: L Side to right side~~~> Chantra, Charanjit, Sia Y,(right) Marcie and Tina

Nancy(peace) and Hlee( me closing my eyes)

Frm L~R: Tina, James (kutie) and Nancy...

Nancy and James..Silly smile u have there james

~*~Here is a pix of my gurl Shoua V...hey gurl i miss u i haven't seen u like forever..all i hope and be wishin' is the best for u..and let's keep in touch gurl..take kare now..always ur gurl Trisha..^_^

Hey pheng i stole ur pix and i'm puttin' it on my page ok..well, gurl i miss u..it's been a while..please take karez of ur-self too...ok...see u soon...I wish and hope the best ok...always

Hey this is my good friend a while back like i met him at work in 2001...Osvaldo Tanda...damm boi still lookin' good since i've last seen u...hope ur doin' good back home...take karez and love much from a little girl from colorado..heheh...^_^ *Heres a site of my boi Osvaldo ok so check him out..hehehe...i hope u make it big into ur modeling career...*

hehehe..James got cake on his face by tina...heheh..cake after grubbin'...

james and david..u two silly boiz...we're gonna miss u guys..b/c u won't be here next year..and congrats david u graduated...^_^

Hey take karez now..sorrie this is all i have up..so bounce by later ok...bye

*~*This Here is my babe...I Love u very much babe*~*

I think it was taken in his 9th or 10th grade year...i dunno but yupp he was at the bowling alley...U Look silly..hehehe *~*~A pix of me and my babe at Homecoming..Click on Url and see us..hahaha.. **~* *~*~A pix of me gettin' ready for Homecoming 2002...^_^ **~* *Heres a pix of me in 9th grade wit my niece katrina...*