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Yet Another Not So Private Online Diary
Tuesday, 5 August 2003
The Song to My Heart
The one song that really is the key to my heart is by Savage Garden it is called Truly, Madly, Deeply.
I never understood how love works until I listened to that song. And that song says how true love should be.
And if anyone ever wanted to make me cry, that would be the song to play. U should hear it.
I love to love that song.

Posted by magic/soccerchick87 at 9:08 AM CDT
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Saturday, 26 July 2003
Hair gone bad
Well my hair which was previously blonde, my grandmother nagged and neagged about it so much that it got on my last fucking nerve so i forced myself to dye it back to my natural color, which i hate and is why i dyed my hair blonde! Now i am deppresed and my hair, which i think looks like pig turds, is just not making things better for me. I just wish my family would stop running my life and try to let me run it for a change after all it is my body, not theirs, so i don't know what to do or how to get my self-esteam back. Well thats it so ummmmmm........................................... Bye

Posted by magic/soccerchick87 at 4:28 PM CDT
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Sunday, 20 July 2003
My newest poem.....
This is my most recent poem i have written and it is called:
I Want
I want the daytime skys to be blue like
my boyfriends eyes.
I want the night skys to be as radiant as the
look on my mothers face.
I want the sun to shine with love and care for
I want the whole world to rain with my pure sad
I want a smile that that can light up a room in
an insant as i walk through the door.
I want to be Happy.
I want to be me.
And that is what I Want.

Posted by magic/soccerchick87 at 2:06 PM CDT
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Its Been A While
It has been a while since i last wrote in my blog. Well since then my friend and i have gotten back to normal, although i am still the one to call first, but other than that we r runnin smothly. School stars soon and i can't wait to go and buy new clothes and new shoes for it. But i'm not to thrilled about the learning thing, but ya know whatever. I have died my hair blonde since th last time i wrote as well. My family hates it, but my friends love it. Well gottah get to runnin.... l8er, buh-byes. <3 <3 <3 xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Posted by magic/soccerchick87 at 1:56 PM CDT
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Friday, 27 June 2003
Vacation, YaY!!!!
I am so happy i am leaving for vacation 2marrow!!
I am going to Orange Beach,Alabama! The only bad thing about that is I have to leave at 3 in the morning.Well Gottah Go!!

I hope i meet some
hot guys there while
i'm at it!

Posted by magic/soccerchick87 at 10:07 AM CDT
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Thursday, 26 June 2003
Hey yall i have great news. i got to punk my best friend and one of her other loser friends today. i lead her friend on for so long that he started feeling sorry for me. Sweet Sweet Revenge!
Btw after i had told my best friend i had just punk'd her we decided to keep leading the other guy on, it rocks! hey man if ur reading this u just got PUNK'D!

Posted by magic/soccerchick87 at 2:56 AM CDT
Updated: Thursday, 26 June 2003 2:57 AM CDT
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