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Main Page
About Me
Family And Friends
My Thoughts
My Interests

To begin with, I am Lavanya, and to know me would take lifetimes but here's a sneak preview. I have my head in the clouds most of the time and spend my day thinking about anything to everything, but my feet are grounded on the surface well. I take pride in proclaiming myself as a Cancerian and was dropped on this earth on the 8th day of July and I have managed to live for twenty five whole years without causing a nuclear war so you can say I am pretty sane and normal, in spite of the dumb and stupid things that i am capable of (which you can ask my siblings and friends who take great delight in pulling my legs). I have a happy family with three sisters and one young brother. We gossip a lot and love to pull mom’s legs, who is a sweetheart. We sisters have shared some fantabulous moments, though we too have our own share of fights and skirmishes. They are and will always be the beautiful reminiscence of my life.

I like chatting a lot and spend my day eating up my friend’s head. I like listening to music and am a great fan of Kishore Kumar and R.D. Burman. My friends are important for me and I'm passionate about my beliefs and try to live them. In friendship, I don’t have any rules because demands would be futile. God has been kind enough to bless me with a few good friends who have been soul of my life. I love my family, friends, toys, chocolates, music and chatting. I am a good listener, and can spend whole day listening to other but unfortunately am not a good orator. My friends get irritated while listening to my non stop nonsense. I am both optimistic and pessimistic and am moody also. My friends would be the better persons to tell(rather criticize) about me. I love reading books, which motivate and instill an urge to do better in life. I follow the golden rule that one shouldn’t do anything to others what they wouldn’t like them do to you.I believe that would be enough to know me though nobody can measure the depth of a woman's heart. In my view, life is a series of problem solving opportunities. The problem you face will either defeat you or develop you - depending on how you respond to them. It seems I have taken a lot of your precious time, so its time to say good bye. Have a good day and God Bless You!