Nethea's Bookshelf

Seven Deadly Sins
drabble series

Author: randomlysane
Rating: Overall...NC17
Word count: Each drabble is 100 words.
A/N: All done in Snape's POV. Responses to Deadly Sins challenge prompts on snarry100 Livejournal Community. (Notice how Snape claims each sin by saying My pride, My lust, etc.)

Title: Want
Rating: PG
Challenge: #53, Pride
Warnings: None
Summary: Snape's pride won't let him down.


I could ignore it. That would be the most logical course of action. But that would also be admitting cowardice. And I am no coward.

I could rip them apart, so that they are no longer tangled together in love’s embrace. But that would be admitting jealously. And I am not jealous.

I could do neither of these because of the damned pride that runs through my veins like a virus.

However, I could watch the situation closely and bide my time for the right moment. That would be admitting patience. And I am patient.

Potter will, eventually, be mine.

Title: Good Riddance
Rating: NC17, to be safe
Challenge: #54, Wrath
Warnings: minor character death, oral sex mentioned, vindictiveness abounds
Summary: Snape takes it upon himself to rid Harry, and himself, of a nuisance. Sequel to Want.


My path to possession of Potter is clearer now.

Potter will grieve the loss. However, it will be easier for me to heal his grief than to deal with trust issues left behind after a messy break-up. Infidelity is not something Potter would tolerate.

I was the last to see Zabini alive. I was the one to catch him with some little chit’s mouth on his cock. I was the one to rid Potter of the filth that was tainting him.

Zabini deserved it. He deserved to feel the pain I delivered.

My wrath can be such a palpable thing.

Title: Need
Rating: R
Challenge: #55, Lust
Summary: Snape reels in his lust for Harry.
A/N: Sequel to Good Riddance.


Since the death of Zabini last year, Potter and I have become "friends".

I despise the word and what it represents.

Sometimes I want to just take him. Take him and make him mine. Lock him up and shove the key down a dragon's throat.

My lust...overwhelms me. However, raping him would not endear me to him at all.

I masturbate and fantasize over him, more often than I ever have before. More often than is normal. I dream of dominating him. I dream of him dominating me. I imagine bruising kisses and vigorous fucking.

Patience. Lust will be assuaged.

Title: Indulgence
Rating: NC17
Challenge: #56, Gluttony
Warnings: sexual situations, profanity
Summary: Snape's obsession with Harry goes to the next level. Sequel to Need.


Five months. Five months went by. I kept my eye on the prize and played the necessary role. And now Harry is smitten with me. Or so he claims.

Five months before I finally got him in my bed, begging. I have had the pleasure of hearing him beg many times now. Coincidentally, every chance I get.

I fuck him when I'm randy, vengeful, or melancholy. Doesn't matter. I fuck him whenever I can, because I can. Because he is mine now.

My gluttony consumes me, as much as it does Harry. I feast on his body. I devour him.

Title: Ignorance
Rating: G
Challenge: #57, Sloth
Summary: Severus has a wake up call that he must answer.


A break. He said we needed a break. It's only been a month.

I must ascertain what I have done wrong, repair the damage. I must not lose him.

I have pondered it all night and am only now coming to the only possible conclusion.

I was so caught up in the owning of Harry that I failed to relate to him personally.

I didn't inquire about his day, health, or needs. No words or touches to show his worth to me.

I ignored my ability to make him happy outside of bed.

My sloth in this matter is inexcusable.

Title: Avarice
Rating: PG
Challenge: #58, Greed
Summary: Snape puts his greed to work.


I practically bribed Miss Granger to talk to Harry for me. It was worth the fifty points to Gryffindor. Harry returned to me.

I now hoard every smile and kind word from him. I proudly own a mental collection of touches and longing glances.

I have stolen every possible moment with him, in the corridors between classes, a kiss while he prepares tea.

I have even tricked him into putting me above other commitments. He has skipped several hero-worshipping events and spent time with me instead. No hardship for him.

I am voracious, but my greed has served us well.

Title: To Be Like You
Rating: PG
Challenge: #59, Envy
Summary: Snape envies Harry, but there's more.


My whole life has revolved around Harry. It’s only reasonable that I be obsessed with him. However, I am reluctant and cautious with love.

He is terribly trusting and full of life. He applies determination and bravery to everything he does. His understanding and forgiveness of others is unsurpassable.

He loves…

He loves me. Openly and honestly. He accepts me with all my faults and loves me with impunity.

He even understands my envy of him.

I’ve committed every sin to acquire him and keep him. Pride, wrath, lust, gluttony, sloth, greed, and envy. What’s one more?

I love him.

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