Nethea's Bookshelf

You have found My Bookshelf! I'm Nethea, also known as randomlysane on LiveJournal and InsaneJournal. This is the place where I display my own literary works, such as they are. They are fanfics, mostly slash; slash being fics that pair males together romantically. Most of my fics include Harry in the pairing. I am a sucker for Harry/Severus and Harry/Draco. I like others too, but they are my faves.

Each button below represents a book on my shelf. Some are old, some are new. Some are canon, some are AU. All are complete, as I only post completed fics here. So, pull one down, recline in a comfy chair, and enjoy! Please visit the Owl Post page to let me know what you think of my ramblings.

DISCLAIMER:The stories on this site are based on characters and situations created and owned by JK Rowling, various publishers including but not limited to Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books and Raincoast Books, and Warner Bros., Inc. No copyright or trademark infringement is intended. The author of these fics and the website maintainer are making no profit from the stories or any of the site's contents.

Snarry Drabbles

Snape/Harry, all drabbles, all ratings included.


Snape/Harry, R, Summary: Snape acquires a kink addiction that drives Harry away. Post-Hogwarts, Post-war.

Oops, Great...UhOh

Harry/Draco, NC-17, Written before OotP. Summary: Draco finds it hard to follow Daddy's orders and learns that Harry really is a savior. (Draco's POV)

You Took My Breath Away

Harry/Draco, PG-13, Written before OotP. Summary: Draco recalls the effect Harry has had on his life, the fact that he had to learn how to breathe again, only to have it taken away at the class reunion. (Draco's POV)

Dance of Insults

Harry/Draco, PG-13, Pre-slash, Written before OotP. Summary: Harry and Draco find each other amusing.

Full Moon, Full Heart

Harry/Remus, NC-17, Summary: Remus has been cured of his lycanthropy. He still feels drawn to the full moon, but not near as much as he is to Harry.

House-Elves: A History

Gen, PG, Characters: Hermione, Dobby. Summary: Hermione never gave up on her S.P.E.W. campaign and is doing more research into the house-elf society but has run across many obstacles, as the elves tend to steer away from many of her more pertinent questions. Dobby, being a freed elf, is the only one who will answer, which is fortunate for Hermione. She learns more than she bargained for.

Owl Post