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Welcome to the home of Silverwolf

*****Thank you for being patient... i am currently working on material to add to my page... please visit me again soon!*******

Welcome to my den! Sit down and make yourself comfortable, and please, stay awhile!

Chances are that you got this address from chat, otherwise you stumbled blindly upon it. In either case, I hope that when you leave here, you will be more informed about me, and even moreso, i hope you will leave having been entertained!

First of all, my real name is Kimmy, I am in my mid-twenties, happily married and an occasional student of psychology(finance dependent!).

I love children, but have none as of yet. I also love animals and currently have two pets. Venus, my cat; and Gaea, my puppy. I enjoy dancing, singing, good wine and good conversation.

I am a usual in an RP room(Legend of the Red Dragon Inn). However, I rarely have the time to concentrate on a storyline, and the time of day i finally get to post, no one is around to see it. So, I have decided to write out my solos here, for all to see. I hope you enjoy the fruits of my labor! Please be patient as I am just getting back into writing after a few years. These are all new characters and so I must create new stories. Please visit often and see if there's anything new!

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To the Den...