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Sky Swords

About 1,000 years ago a pair of comets had been seen in the sky of Dravelin. For many years the comets didn't look like they moved at all and for sometime the comets were just considered a normal part of every day life. One night the comets finally did fall though and people all over the world watched as each comet burst into 4 smaller pieces and in various places over the world the 8 pieces total fell to the world. The known pieces to the people were the largest or atleast the ones that burnt the brightest. One of these pieces fell in the mainland of and the other fell on a small island off to the side of the mainland.

The piece of comet that fell on the island was never seen as far as people on the mainland knew but then again the island where it had landed was known to be ruled by a master slaad so few people ever went there at all. On the mainland the spot where the comet piece landed was avoided till one day a paladin who had taken charge of the border guarding against the slaad had decided to build a castle there and watch over the land as a protector rather then having the people ruled over by a king or queen. Soon a large castle stood in the very spot that the comet piece fell but word was beginning to leak out that what fell was not a comet piece but something else.Furien after having the castle built decided to rally the people to help him in defense of the mainland against the slaad and other creatures by holding a special festival at his castle. The people rejoiced and from all over the mainland people came to the festival and it was during this that Furien stood before the people and spoke to them like he was equal to them and at the end of the festival he called everyone together once again to show them what most had been waiting for. What he showed them was a sword hilt, the metal gleamed and shined in the light. At the sight you could tell that it was not normal and of some special metal or atleast make. Furien told the people that this is thier treasure, the treasure sent from the heavens and that he believes that the rest of the sword is out there some place to be found.

The people left the festival happy at having a special treasure and symbol but also many wondered since there was 2 comets if that meant there was 2 swords. The answer came quickly though when slaads and various races that had joined them pickedup their attacks on the mainland and one captured creature spoke of a similar sword hilt landing on the island across from the mainland. Furien could only believe that this meant the slaads were searching for the other sword pieces and also wanted his piece so there would be no rival weapon.

Furien has began fortify the mainland defenses against any ship landings or sea attacks but doing so has left his inland defenses lowered. Do to this fact and Furien having moved to one of the border forts to help defend it himself, the advisor of Darvan Castle has started looking for people willing to help with inland defense for the time being.

All characters start off on 4th level and roll a 4d6, keeping the highest 3 rolls for each stat. You get 26,000gps to buy all starting equipment, this includes magical equipment. I allow all races as long as you keep in mind the racial level penalties. You can use the players handbook, Dungeun masters guide and all the complete handbooks except the Epic handbook.

Some places characters can come from.

Darvan Castle/City: Is the home of Furien who watches over the mainland. The castle, walls around the city and many of the buildings are made by dwarves who signed a peace treaty with Furien. The area around the castle and city are mainly grasslands and flatlands.

Mordas City: Is known as the city of rogues. This place is favorite to half-orcs and such races. The city is surrounded by a desert and is located near Darvan Castle and city.

Cron's Fork: Is a area where a river connecting to the ocean makes a form. A large fort was built here that is manned mainly by humans and elves. The area around the fork is mainly grasslands.

Granite City: A city surrounded by the great granite mountains. Dwarves live here and allow very few other races into it even knows they have a treaty with the humans and some elves, the dwarves still like to stay to themselves mainly.

Iron Stone Castle: Is a large castle near Granite City. The dwarven king's live here and watch over their people. Currently King Gransh Delvhammer III holds the most power among the dwarves and is know as a noble king and warrior.

Ironroot City: A large forest the gnomes and halflings call home. The city is actually is split by a piece of the forest but both races co-exist well and work well together to keep their home.

Jadehawk City: This city is located in the largest forest in the mainlands. The elves call this place home and are very selective when it comes to letting people enter or leave it.

Rubysand City: A harbor city located in a large desert. The city is east of the mainland. This area has a variety of enemies around it and also has a variety of races living within the cities walls.

Glacierpeak: South of the desert and Rubysand City is a large city on that is on the same island. This city lays within a deep ice covered plain. Only the strongest people survive the cold plains here so the city is home to mainly barbarians and the races suited to this type of weather.
