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Sirius Black Lives!


This site contains spoilers for JK Rowling's recently released Harry Potter book Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. If you have not finished the book, do not own it yet, or anything remotely like that, please do not enter this site unless you are ready to have this book spoiled for you.

Also, this site is SLASH FRIENDLY, which means you shouldn't be too shocked to find art, fanfiction, or concepts involving two male or two female characters in homosexual relationships. There will be warnings on those bits, but if you feel you do not wish to be in their presence, don't enter.

Thank you.

I've read, lemme in!

No, I haven't finished! Take me away from here!

Note: Sirius Black and all character and concepts from the Harry Potter books and movies are Copyright JK Rowling and Warner Brothers. Anything that doesn't belong to them is someone else's. All artwork or fanfiction by artists who haven't sold their souls to a big corporation, and even by those who have, are copyright that artist.
