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Saturday, 2 August 2003
well, the fridge died... In a little while dad will return from Tomb Riader 2 and we'll be off to some more places to shop for another unit. Yesterday we got to go to best buy before heading to dad's boss' house, where we saw Treasure Planet in his home theater. O_O wow... it was like a tiny movie theater in every respect, but with better chairs, quality, and sound. I felt like I was in an episode of MTV Cribs, and I was loving it. it was a bit cold tho...

Mood: ridiculously content ^_^

Posted by magic/shivvalan at 1:38 PM EDT
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Thursday, 31 July 2003
Dear god o_O....
All of my friends are weird... all of my friends have weird friends. The fact that all of the latter are nosy and outgoing doesn't help things much either, but in the end most of them are cool. As a note, I despise people who are less than me, who are older than me, who think they are better than me. Immaturity is a taboo word to me.

Mood: annoyed, calming down :(

Posted by magic/shivvalan at 3:04 PM EDT
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Wednesday, 30 July 2003
Today dad came back from lasik surgery just fine, though he has to wear these weird goggles to protect his eyes for a couple days, and his eyes look a bit tired and squinty. He seems otherwise normal. I'm happy things went well. I also mailed in my entry to the Nintendo Power poll contest. Hope I win! ^_^

Current mood: relieved, happy :)

Posted by magic/shivvalan at 3:13 PM EDT
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Tuesday, 29 July 2003
tee hee
i just added some java to make a clock cursor coolies! mood: hyper :D

Posted by magic/shivvalan at 11:01 AM EDT
Updated: Saturday, 2 August 2003 1:40 PM EDT
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My first entry
Hello! welcome to the pitiful story of my life, painstakingly posted on the internet for all to laugh at. I am Shivv, the only "clean one" in this world of filthy mortals, and I have come to bore and confuse you by whispering the councils of madness in your ears. So sit back and stay awhile cause its gonna be a long ride

Current mood: satisfied }:D

Posted by magic/shivvalan at 10:58 AM EDT
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