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The Mouse

( Mus Musculus )


Wire Cages:

Possitive Points:
Negative Points:

Glass Tank:

Possitive Points:
Negative Points:

Plastic cages:

Possitive Points:
Negitive Points:


NEVER EVER, use CEADAR, PINE, or SPRUCE bedding, it is bad for their respiratory system. The best materials to use are Care fresh, or Aspen.

Mouse Poems...

By: Clive Sanson

By: Jack Prelutsky

By: Beatrix Potter

By: Alieen Fisher

Bernard Gluck

If you have poems, or further information you would like to add to help further unhanse the site, please e- mail them to the adress posted below. THANKS a bunch!


First: - Mice don't have very good vision. They go mainly by scent, And if you smell like food, they're going to see if you taste like food too.


- Any animal that considers itself in danger... whether it really is or not, is going to do what it can escape.

Third - did it give you any warning signs that maybe it's not feeling like being handled today? Rattling tails are classic "I'm not happy with this" or "I'm angry" signs. Ignore them at your own risk. Fourth - did you handle another mouse before him? Was it male or female? Was it a mouse that he either doesn't like, or that he thinks he should be dominant to for some reason? If that mouse's smell is on you, then that means you handled it first, and challenged this mouse's feelings of dominance. He's going to tell you just what he thinks of that.
