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~ * ~ i N A S h e L L ~ * ~

(,") About Me (",)

Known as ~ Michelle
Been on planet Earth for ~ 21 yrs coming to 22.. (so old??!! -.-")
Situated in ~ Singapore
Surviving under ~ FMS (Father Mother Scholarship) and Allowance from Industrial Attachment (like peanuts man!! =/)
Luv ~ Family, Seng, Dogs, Lazing around..

-^- 17th Nov 2003, 11:10pm -^-

First time using html to create a site.. dunno if it'll work out well.. not sure wat i should add also.. hehe.. just do abit of stuff here and there lor.. more to come.. akan datang.. =Þ

**Okie more or less got the hang of using html liao.. but i wanna make the webby more interesting by having a few pages leh.. can anyone help me pls? =) --16th Jan 2004


~> Hey! photos added from my kelong trip! go take a look! --30th Nov 2003

~> Long time since I've updated this place! hehe.. Photos added from my Korea trip back in Dec and X'mas too! =Þ --16th Jan 2004

wONdeRfuL pLaceS onLiNE..

Last updated on 16th Jan 2004

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