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CREATED ON: June 27, 2003

I'm still working on this but basically this a site revolving around a girl (myself) filled with life's hardships, joys, and mystery. Well this isn't really a journal but stuff that has happened that I feel like I want to talk about, and hopefully people will learn or relate. Sharing an opinion and view on life, love, and all that other good stuff ; )Always remember that your not alone, that someone out there could be feeling the same way you are, or thinking what your thinking. Life isn't easy and it sure as hell not fair but you can't give up. I know each person if taken the chance, can shine and blind the world. Gotta keep taking risks and never have to ask "What if...?" With every experience you grow so don't regret any experiences, well you have to make sure to make the right choices though. Follow your heart, your intuition and you'll be okay. Life's not the beat of the heart, but the times it skips a beat.

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Love for a Girl

You Are Beautiful

The Sound of Life

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