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San José (Cabo de Gata)

Natural Park, Almeria, Spain.


 Enjoy this wonderfull and luxury apartment !!!


     Real Views !!!


    Apartment for rent placed just on the beach sand. Imagine yourselves waking up in the morning, opening the windows and having a swim in the lukewarm mediterranean water.........



                  Real Views !!!


Prices for renting. Apartment over beach sand in San Jose (Almeria) SPAIN
(Apartment for 4 people, all included, furniture, TV, kitchenware etc...)
1 week 15 days per mounth
High season 700 € 1.500 € 2.400 €
(from 1st. Of june
to 30Th of sept.,
"Semana Santa week"
and special national festivities)
1 week 15 days per mounth
Low season 420 € 900 € 1800 €
(rest of the year)
* These prices are fastened to normal increase of each year. They are confirmed  for 2003 year.




   The temperatures regime individualizes finally of  Cabo de Gata in the set of the southeast Spanish and approximates to you to the warm climates  tropical of coastal. We are before a climate  Mediterranean , with long and warm summers, fresh and short winters, in the one which the autumn as well as the spring show very moderate features. 

To the scarce annual quantity of rains - 150 mm. - is added the irregularity in their distribution interanual. The rainfalls are concentrated in the cold era (October to April) and a delayed period dry is extended of great to September being registered so only 3,4 mm. between the months of June, July and August.  Cabo de Gata maintains high values all year round of relative dampness, reaching the highest levels in full cold station. but without descending of the 72% during July and August, and this as consequence of the maritime influence. 

     Temperatures monthly hosieries between 17 and 19 centigrade degrees and never below 7. 
     Minimal annual Rainfalls between October and November. 


    The Almeria´s airport is conected to most principal cities of all over the world, coming througth Madrid. There are too several fligths directly from european cities. Please call the airport for further information at tel: +34 950 21 37 90 or +37 950 21 37 88 or +34 950 21 37 00.


The Natural Park of Cabo de Gata - Níjar

    It is considered one of the most original landscapes of Spain, by the desert, that each day runs more land inside, and by  his massive volcanic, the most important of the Peninsula. 
It was declared Maritime Natural Park - Cabo de Gata (Níjar, Almería) in 1987, and it is considered a spectacular visit in any era of the year. Constitute the land protected space of greater surface and ecological relevancy of all the European western Mediterranean, with a surface of 36.000 land hectares and a marine band of 12.000 hectares. 
    The fundamental kernel of the Natural Park constitutes it the Saw of the End of Cabo de Gata, massive mountainous volcanic whose flank suroccidental falls directly on the Mediterranean sea, forming abrupt steep interrupted by small inlets in the outlets of the the principal ravines that erosionan the hillsides of the saw. The strong personality of this natural space derives, in essence, of the volcanic origin from the two-thirds from his surface, and from the demanding conditions that come to him  imposed by an exceptionally dry local climate and some evident soil lack. 



A tour by the park 

The special morphology of the volcanic Cabo de Gata derives from its tectonic origins, from the transgressions and regressions that suffered the level from the Mediterranean sea throughout its recent geological history and from the action of erosion of the wind and of the sea on the different types from materials. Throughout more than 40 coast kilometers are crossed sandy coastal flatness, with beautiful trainings. Dunes; ancient albuferas reconverted in saline industrial; or volcanic cliffs of more than hundred meters of height cut to bevel, as that of White Candle . Before arriving to San José there is a splendid joint of coves and bays, between those which is found that of  Mónsul, 



considered one of the most beautiful of the world. Even Steven Spilberg has filmed several "Indiana Jhones" films in there.

 The volcanic hills of almost five hundred meters of  The Friars let step to the flatness of Los Escullos and to the white crag of the La Isleta of the Moor, fishing kernel emblematic of the park, from the one which is currency the Hill of The Wolves, anteroom of the Playazo and The Blacks (Las Negras) . It is considered a ride geomorfologic unforgettable, and the access adventure to the Cove San Pedro discovers us the paradise of the las huertas Moorish Mediterranean. From Top la Javana until mesa Roldán alternate volcanic trainings and recifales. And from Mesa Roldán the greatness sensation of the landscape reaches its fullness. The saline occupy a depression of the relief of 5 kilometers, exploited for the salt production. But more than 80 kinds of fowl use this humedal to what is long of the year as obligatory scale in their migrations between África and Europe. 


Interest points

In the map - guide of the park, that is sold in the kiosks of the zone, appear until 70 interest points. There is no that be lost the abandoned gold mines of Rodalquilar, the forts and alertness towers against the pirates, farmhouses (included the one which inspired to Lorca for " Blood Weddings", due to a crime pasional happened in 1928), cisterns, saline, windmills, the Reef of the Sirens (ancient sestero of the monk seal that now is attempted to recover), the Cove of San Pedro, the Inlet of the Genoveses, the Morrón and the Hill of the Fowl María, the Fort of San Pedro (century XVIII), the Isleta of the Moor, The Blacks, San José, the Villa of Níjar with his ceramics and "Jarapas", Mesa Roldán, Looking of the Amethyst, top of the Dead,…


Municipalities of around

The park travels several municipalities, all very small except Níjar, "capital" of the zone. In the Well of the Friars emphasizes the Castle of San Felipe - The Escullos, of the century XVII; TheIsleta, also known as "The Isleta of the Moor" by Mohamed, standard berberisco that gave to him name, has a watchtower and an area of I recreate. Near it is Rodalquilar, where one must to visit the mining facilities and the castle of San Ramón, through road "The Playazo", where is observed a panoramic brilliant of cliffs in those which breaks the water with a unusual force. It is being converting in the new capital.


In Las Negras is mixed the ancient and typical fishermen people with the tourist urbanization. It can be contracted the trip in ship to Cove of San Pedro. In San José,



 is found the sports port, it is the traditional invasions zone and pirates. On Sundays by the morning it is a meeting point of the great "mercadillo" of crafts and assorted objects of all the region. Has an open juvenile lodging all year round and a camping, in addition to an information center on the park. It is in here where you can have your peacefully hollidays renting this fabulous apartament placed in the middle of San Jose´s bay, and builded directly over the beach sand. 


Finally it is Níjar, the fourth municipal term larger of Spain, that had accessions from very ancient. The people is located at the bottom of the saw, forming a urban set of great attractive, by his preserved structure of Arabic origin, labyrinthine and close, by the whiteness of its houses, by his Mudejar church, by his crafts and by the amiability of their peoples. The first October Sunday is celebrated the Pilgrimage to Huebro, in honor of the Virgin of the Rosary. The fair of Almería, real capital, is celebrated the last September week, and the autumn holidays are of the 24 to the 28 of September. Almería it is found 40 kilometers approximately of Níjar (20 minutes).

Come on !!!!!! we are waiting for you in here !!!!!



For Further information please contact to:

Francisco Echagüe


Cell: +34 687 507 897

Home: +34 950 380 170

(English spoken)