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It's about the good feeling you get making someone laugh or smile
It's about the sound of a writing pen when sleep is just too much of a waste of time
It's about being happy to see the brothers you hate so much
It's about receiving your paycheck after a long few days of work
It's about waking up everyday
It's about having a really hot beautiful girl at a party come up and introduce herself to you 40 lbs. later
It's about tearing your bathing suit when your brother's girlfriend decides to tow you in a tube a little too fast
It's about coming home at night to cop cars and firetrucks in front of your house
It's about re-discovering your baby blanket in the closet 8 years after your mom said she threw it away
It's about crying upon seeing your mother who you were yelling at the night before come home from the hospital with 6 teeth knocked out and swollen scabbed lips from tripping on steps
It's about not memorizing your speech the night before only to go to school and find out that an assembly will take up 6th period
It's about having your dad tell you to bring your shoes upstairs when you already did
It's about asshole friends who will never change
It's about being 8 years old and in your granpa's van and putting it into neutral causing it to roll down the driveway into a pickup truck at the bottom of the street
It's about your loving father calming you down in your bed when the police arrive soon after
It's about having a fever of 104 and having seizures because its rising as you scream and kick on the way to the hospital
It's about being called a nazi when found out you were born in germany
It's about experiencing your first major injury when you feel all the ligaments snap in your ankle as the trampoline mat is bouncing up while your falling down
It's about really liking someone for the first time
It's about hearing your favorite weezer song on the brand new electric guitar you got for christmas
It's about hearing that same song on weezer's lead singer's guitar in concert with your summer crush
It's about regretting seeing blue crush
It's about getting smacked in the ears so hard they begin ringing
It's about going to the eye doctor after having lost your glasses for a week and having him tell you that you no longer need glasses
It's about getting sunburned because spf 4 just doesn't cut it anymore
It's about skipping school and breaking into a friend's house and playing video games all day
It's about swinging on a rope swing and not letting go because you realized you weren't going to reach the water so you hang on till you swing back into the tree
It's about hearing your little brother scream outside and running out there to see him laying in your father's lap with blood streaming out of his mouth onto you're dad's blue jeans and hearing how incompatible his painful moans are with your ears due to a lacrosse ball hitting him in the cheek breaking his jaw right before your dad yells at you to call 911 but not after you tell the whole story to a friend later on that day who, when you are done, laughs
It's about going to your 3rd period class to see the t.v. on with footage of the world trade centers collapsing live and just sitting there with your mouth open thinking of a billion things a second and not being able to say a single one of them
It's about looking out the school library window and seeing the smoke from the pentagon not realizing it's the smoke that cremated your friend's neighbor leaving his wife and children forever
It's about realizing you can die
It's about discovering two pictures that your mother took of you holding a guitar when you were little
It's about hating how goofy your glasses look in a picture of you laying with your father and how much that's not going to matter in about 40 years when thats all you have left of your father because you realize that in the picture you're both smiling
It's about hearing your youngest brother asking your mom if his goldfish are going to go to goldfish heaven
It's life.
