Dedication To Charis
About Me
So, whats Wicca?
Meet Ty Gavyn
My Compy Companions

Well, here it is, the Place Of Ruin's and as you can see it is quite ruined at the moment. Unfortunately I am rather busy with schoolwork and other things and don't have the time to fix up my webpage and as a result, this is how it ends up, bleh! But, my purpose for this site is to

1. Tell you all about me! lol, fun ne?

2. Educate people on Homosexuality - Because I know alot of people have the idea that it's not possible, or it's a sin to love someone of the same sex.

3. Educate people on Wicca - A earth religion said to be evil and from satan. Something that many people have misconseptions about.

4. Talk about the enviroment!! Hehe ^^ Yep, I'm a tree-hugger... seriously. And I have certain opinions and views that will be pointed out on this site.

Anyhow, I hope that you enjoy what I do have put up so far!

Please no flames or hate mail, this website is created for education as well as fun, if you have a problem with that, please email me and state your complaints validly, I won't listen to someone who doesn't have thier facts straight. There are plenty of warnings as to the content of this website, and therefore anyone who gets offended by the material cannot blame anyone but themselves for not reading the warnings.

Good day to you weary travelers... and Luck in the shadows,


Please take time to visit Clara Yuri Asaki’s page, she has excellent pics and makes great Avatars and sigs ^_^ Shoujo-ai Goddess

My Blog Journal.

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A page created by Angelfire, not for the faint of heart... took forever to get the right font, text ect, and I’m still not done. In fact... I'm very not done *sighs*

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