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My Favorite Fruits of the Week:

..::UPDATES::.. 3/8/03 OK i had a test last week and i can barely stand up straight i'm so exhausted and stuff about Mao and the Russians or whatever keeps zinging around in my head and refusing to leave it's like so annoying. and THEN somebody in my family had a birthday which basically meant we had to call them and yell the happy birthday song and none of us can sing right so... SOMEBODY's phone's down. keep checking for updates!!:D 3/9/03 Okay I got major updates since its Sunday I can afford to waste a whole load of time but OH MY GOSH! keep checking for updates hey by the way thanks to onlyatigress and krrobins for keeping our guild up and running I really appreciate it. Oh yeah n rosiecotton4. Thanks! hey I might just figure out this html stuff. Keep checking cause I might put some shop and userlookup codes in and if anybody can tell me what's up with the tags, I'll be totally grateful 2 u!! I can't wait for vacation even though its Sunday my gosh because i'm so darn busy and i had 2 performences today i'm exhausted so i had to block all neofriend requests! =D oh yeah i forgot i have to go study i have to go c ya l8r Okey dokey i made some more codes but they won't upload and i'm going 2 keep trying oh yeah and problem is i don't have loads of time to throw around since its Monday and then the stupid server was down and of COURSE i couldn't use it and i got so mad at least these computers are working cause the other ones sure don't!it's driving me NUTS because i had like 10 codes all perfect and then the computer broke down and i lost them and they were totally long and complicated and they weren't saved and darnet they were sooo cool argh what a hassle and i'm going to have to redo all of them and they weren't even written down ANYWHERE. i swear i am going to have to call the computer guys about this it is so annoying! Oh yeah and thanks Shing Shing! L8r=D 3/14/03 Okay darnet so the stupid host got frozen for like a week which was majorly annoying and I couldn't upload any puffs or backgrounds. More updates later. Gotta go ++++++++++ quick. L8r~ Embarrasing Moments: The other day I was running around outside helping my dad build the new shed. I was looking at a diagram on grid paper when I ran right into a tree. I nearly blacked out, too. Also, yesterday I was on my way to my music lessons. I was eating a bagel with a bunch of strawberry jelly on it. The car went aropund a big curve and the bagel landed SPLAT on my lap - I was wearing sky-blue pants! Everybody started laughing and I had my mouth full of bagel and jelly and I was trying not to laugh but I was afraid I was going to have to spit it out. Then, when we finally got there, I saw my math teacher walking down the street with his little son!

Hi Webpeople!