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Welcome to Necro


Story Line
Be a King/Queen
Council Members
Council Ruleings

    Welcome, welcome to the Planet of Necro!!!  We are a fairly new planet establishment and we are looking for people to become King or Queens of our lands as well as people to live in the kingdoms. 

For all of you who do not know, this is a role play game with no complete theme.  If you wish further explantation read up on our story board, or e-mail the owners at the link below.

As you can grasp from the title, there will be kingdoms on Necro.  There will be 10 kingdoms.  If you wish to become a King/Queen, please read the article, requirements, and the information on how and apply!

    Currently, 2 Kingdoms are held by Ryuichi Sukuma of the Mystic Land, and Sakura Hatamoto-chi representing the Kingdom of Brandeune.  Currently, they are the only two acting members of the Council of Nerco.


Webmasters: Ryuichi Sukuma

                        Sakura Hatamoto-chi


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