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All About Me

I am just a regular 14 year old girl living a regular life. Oh, did I forget to mention that I have found the perfect guy that's sweet, romantic, caring, AND straight??? No, this is not a dream, this is the realityof my perfect guy. Yeah so there are a few things that he would be better off without, like his sleeping habit, seriously he will sleep for hours straight!! Plus his whole dare thing, did he really HAVE to down that Kechup/Ice-Cream/ Water/ salt/ butter/ whatever the heck was in there that his friends dared him to?? But see that also comes in handy. "I dare you to walk to my house and kiss me." is the dare I've been waiting to tell him. Plus his whole sleeping thing is cute because if I ever call and wake him up he sounds sooo cute. Well anyways, this is half a update on my life, half a shrine to my cutie Robbie. Read on!!!

Top Ten On Robbie's List

His Favorite Sites

The Braves
