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This is a page of various rituals, from Esbats, to Sabbats, to handfastings. Rightnow i only have the Beltane Ritual, but more will come as the Wheel of the Year continues to turn. These rituals, unless otherwise stated are my own. I sometimes do rituals w/ my partner so he is my priest and i am his preistess. But when i do them alone i do everything myself. In the Beltane ritual, if i'm doing it alone i don't do the phsical Great Rite and only do the symbolic Great Rite.

Beltane Ritual

Items needed:

salt water
red candle
Goddess candle
God candle
sheet or blanket

Set up altar, lighting Goddess and God candles, fire candle and incense.

Cast Circle:

Starting in Eastern corner, walking in clockwise direction, sprinkle saltwater.

I cast this Circle w/ the elements of Water and Earth. May they bless and consecrate this area.

Return salt water to altar. I pick up incense, follow same path as above

I cast this Circle w/ the element of Air. May it bless and consecrate this area.

Return incense to altar. Pick up fire candle, follow same path

I cast this Circle w/ the element of Fire. May it bless and concentrate this area.

Return fire candle to altar. Return to East, and I point finger to the ground. Follow same path)

I cast the Circle w/ the element of Spirit. May the God and Goddess bless this area.

Return to Eastern corner

The Circle is cast.

Call Directions:

Facing East

Hail, Guardian of the East, Element of Air. Watch our Circle this night. Blessed be!

Facing South

Hail, Guardian of the South, Element of Fire. Watch our circle this night. Blessed be!

Facing West

Hail, Guardian of the West, Element of Water. Watch our Circle this night. Blessed be!

Facing North

Hail, Guardian of the North, Element of Earth. Watch our circle this night. Blessed be!

Call Goddess and God:

Stand in the middle of the Circle.

“Goddess, Lady and Mother of all hear my call. I request your presence into my Circle tonight, as we keep the rites. You who are the Maiden and Lover, be here, as we celebrate.”

“God, Lord and Father of all, here my call. I request your presence into our Circle tonight, as we keep the rites. You, who are the Hunter and Lover, be here as we celebrate.”

“Tonight is a night of celebration. The Goddess and God have joined in the Great Marriage. Spring has chased away the death of Winter, and the Earth has bloomed w/ life, and life giving things. Soon, summer will come, and the peak of life will be here. Tonight I celebrate all these things. May life and the circle of life continue to always spin.

I take chalice, and wand from the altar. Raise chalice and wand to the sky.

The chalice, symbol of the womb of the Maiden and Mother. Where all life begins, tonight shall be met w/ life giving seed.

The wand, symbol of the phallus of the Hunter and the Father. Where all life begins, tonight shall meet in the womb of the Maiden.

Wand is lowered into the chalice.

In the joining of the Two, they become One, and life begins. The Wheel of Life continues, may it never stop turning. The God enters, the Goddess receives. Here is the beginning of life.

Wand is removed from the chalice, both are placed back on the altar.

Write things which I wish to bring to fruition in the next year, fold the papers, hold them over the cauldron and say something like:

“I give this to the cauldron of life, may it be born before the next Beltane.”

Set the papers alight, and drop them into the cauldron. Once they have burned to askes, the ashes are scattered.

* Optional, w/ partner* Removal of clothes [if any]. Five fold kiss.

Male partner kneels and kisses my feet

Blessed be your feet, which walk the sacred path.

Kisses my knees.

Blessed be your knees, which support you at the sacred altar.

Kisses my Gate of Life

Blessed be your womb, without which, none of us would be.

Ksses my breasts.

Blessed be your breasts, formed in beauty.

Kisses my lips

Blessed be your lips, which speak the sacred names.

I kneel and kiss his feet

Blessed be your feet, which walk the sacred path.

Kisses his knees

Blessed be your knees, which support you at the sacred altar.

Kisses his Gate of Life

Blessed be your phallus, without which, none of us would be.

Kisses his chest

Blessed be your chest, formed in strength.

Kisses his lips

Blessed be your lips, which speak the sacred names.

Invoke the Goddess [me] and God [partner]. Perform the Great Rite.

Wafers and Juice.

Hold a plate of small crackers to the sky.

From the seed, to the grain, from the grain to the cereal, from the cereal to this plate, may the Lord and Lady bless all.

Hold up glass of juice

From the seed to the vine, from the vine to the fruit, from the fruit to this cup, may the Lord and Lady bless all.

Eat crackers and drink glass of juice.

Release Directions in reverse.

Facing North

Guardian of the North, Element of Earth. Thank you for being in our Circle this night. Stay if you will, leave if you must. Hail and farewell!

Facing West

Guardian of the West, Element of Water. Thank you for being in our Circle this night. Stay if you will, leave if you must. Hail and farewell!

Facing South

Guardian of the South, Element of Fire. Thank you for being in our Circle this night. Stay if you will, leave if you must. Hail and farewell!

Facing East

Guardian of the East, Element of Air. Thank you for being in our Circle this night. Stay if you will, leave if you must. Hail and farewell!

walk counterclockwise around the Circle, holding out my finger

The Circle is open, but never broken.

Release energy into the night.

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