QUIZ-Are you a wizard? QUIZ-Are you a wizard?
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#1.Do you like to wear pointy hats?
c)I never thought about it, but I suppose I would.

#2.Have you ever dreamed that you were flying?
a)Yes,I dreamed I had wings.
b)Yes, but I was in an airplane.
c)No, but I dreamed I could live underwater.

#3.Do you understand what animals are saying when they bark, meow, chirp, or hiss at you?
b)What are you, crazy?

#4.Do you like books, movies, and TV shows about magic?
a)Who doesn't?
b)Not on your life.
c)Only some of them.

#5.Do strange things happen when you get really angry, like objects flying across the room or the lights going on and off?
a)Yes, these things have happened.
b)No, never.
c)I've never been angry.

#6.Do you ever feel like you might be destined for greater things?
a)But of course.
b)I've never thought about it.
c)Yes, but nothing magical.

#7.Have you ever dressed up like a witch, wizard, or warlock for Halloween?
a)Yes, and I'd do it again.
b)No, but my brother or sister did.
c)I almost did once.

#8.Have you ever had a dream that ended up being a prediction?
a)Yes, that's happened three or more times.
b)No, that's never happened, ever.
c)Yes, that's happened once or twice.
