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The Rainbow Willow

This is a brand-new contest/RP universe for Gaia. 50,000+ Gaian gold is at stake for the winning team. Required are guts, skill, ingenuity, creativity, and an intense desire to have fun. Players will cooperate in teams of three to five in order to work their way through six intense dungeons and ultimately discover the legendary Rainbow Willow Tree, an ancient relic capable of bestowing unimaginable wealth on those worthy enough to find it. Do you and your friends have what it takes?

1.)There is an entry fee of 1,000 Gaian gold per team, and a limit of ten teams are allowed in Seravia at a time. Should either an entire team choose to withdraw, or through a series of individual withdrawals loose enough players to no longer meet qualifications for team status, a new team will be invited to Seravia to compete. DO NOT REGISTER TO COMPETE in The Rainbow Willow unless you are committed to seeing your team through to the end.

2.)Teams are accepted on a first-come-first-serve basis and must have no less than three and no more than five members. Teams are required to remain together as a group within Seravia unless a specific mission specifies otherwise.

3.)Seravia is a pre-made world with certain limitations and rules that must be adhered to. Creativity is encouraged, however, teams may not do any of the following.
I. Teams may not teleport outside of dungeons. Anywhere a team goes within Seravia must be reached by walking, hiking, through use of a vehicle or other mode of transportation found or made within the game, ect. Likewise, players may not use psionic or magical abilities outside of the situations described below in the ABILITIES section to place themselves past, at or closer to the ends of dungeons or puzzles.
II. Players may not interfere with the progress of other teams by use of any direct physical, magical, or psionic force. Players may attempt to creatively set a trap or obstacle that has the POSSIBILITY of confusing or waylaying another team; however, the effectiveness of said traps and obstacles is determined solely by the moderator(s). Teams MAY NOT dictate the effects of their actions on other teams. EXAMPLE: Team four’s wizard casts a Firestorm in room three of a dungeon in hopes that team six may run into it and be waylaid due to injuries. This is acceptable. However, team four’s wizard may NOT cast Firestorm in room three of a dungeon, then proceed to DETERMINE that team six ran into the Firestorm spell and lost two players due to burns. This determination is solely up to the moderator(s).

4.)This is a general-posting forum for questions or debates of decisions among the team members on actions; any other posts will be deleted. In order to prevent one team from knowingly copying the ideas and/or actions of other teams, user teams should have e-mail addresses and be comfortable exchanging a majority of information with both their team members and the moderator(s) through those addresses. It may be wise to create a separate e-mail account for this RP system if team members are uncomfortable sharing their e-mail addresses with team members and/or the moderator(s); however, this is solely up to the discretion of player.

5.)Neither Gaia or the moderator(s)of The Rainbow Willow will be held responsible in any way for non game-related problems that arise from participation in this RP system. All reasonable precautions will be taken to protect player privacy.

6.)The moderator(s) reserve the right to cancel this RP system and refund the entry fees for all remaining participating players should the number of active teams at any time drop below five.

7.)All in-system currency, equipment, situations, ect., are entirely fictional and may not be used in any way as leverage for any situation outside of this RP system.

8.)Prize gold will be split evenly among all members of the winning team

9.)By submitting a team for registry all team members acknowledge that they have read and agree to comply with these and any other system rules that may be added in the future. Please choose your teams wisely.