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Good evening ladies and gents...
You know that one time when everything is just simply fuckin perfect... when you're in your element...when the room is gloving and her eyes are smiling...when you feel so damn freekin' alive...I could die for that moment..I could die in that moment withiout feeling bad about it. How strange does that have to feel? Especially when you know that you thought it will never happen again. When your heart was shreaded into pieces and you thought it was the end of your way... when you thought that there's no more reason for living and when you wanted to end your misery once and for all.... let some time pass and these new eyes come by when you least expected.... you know they are totaly different from those that you loved and you know you are risking so much again but you don't risk so much of getting addicted to them really soon... you can see it comin' but you don't care...actually you wish for it to happen... for one more time at least... Nothing has to happen, no touch, no kiss... as long as the slight perversion of a possibility is there and the belief that the feeling is mutual. Then you begin to see the life as a sunny day again and your senses get awaken for one more time...

She scares away the darkness and you start thinking that after all you might not be condempt on a life in sorrow and loneliness... once again you are directing the winds with your hands risen up high, once again the storm is rising, and once again you're in charge of it... Then every tune makes you an adrenalin junky, your heart races like your life depends on it, you feel like you could bring the whole world down with just one deep exhale yell...

The clouds become your home again and you jump on them for one more ride around the world.

This is so gay, I know... and you don't have to tell me that, its fine... I seriously don't care.

As long as there's this excitement and feeling, I have a reason to continue this battle with this motherfucker up on a cloud, his sick sense of humor and the touch for drama. No matter that I know that this is all a show and that he always wins, those eyes make me arogant and cocky einough to convince myself that I actually still do have a shot... that I will fool him this time and stay happy forever in my moment of a fairytale...

Sexy Motherfucker Gallery

Bitches ain't shit but hoes and tricks $$$

Gospodzo zgazis me gallery
(A little bit of Serbian, just so that you dont get too comfy around here)

Amusement during some lonesome days in the US:

The Ultimate Supermodels

Serbian Cafe
Amusement during some not so lonesome days in the US:

Quotes Hall Of Fame:

Movie quotes etc.

Northeastern Crew

There has got to be more to life than just being really, really, really, ridiculously good-looking...

...said yours trully, and turned his back so that people can notice how good looking his friends actually are...

Some really, really, ridiculously good looking people gallery

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