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FoR YoU mY bEsT fRiEnD!

You came into my life,

Only as a friend.

We now have something special,

I hope to never end.


You mean so much to me,

You will never know.

And if you are to leave me,

These feelings will not just go.


We have been best friends for a while,

Although it hasn’t been so long.

I get the feeling its been forever,

Although I know I’m only wrong.


I’m thinking of you every second,

To hope that you’re ok.

Just keep that smile upon you’re face,

Problems seem to go away.


I promise I’ll never hurt you,

Or ever make you cry.

I know that’s not a guy thing,

But Jared I never want to say goodbye.


Will we be together?

I hope so, ‘til the end’.

Jared you’re my love,

                    You are my best friend.